The Foundation enters a new phase
To chart a course for the future, the Foundation undertook a strategic planning process, including national consultations with current and former Scholars, Fellows, and Mentors. A new strategic plan was adopted by the Board of Directors in November 2024, emphasizing the Foundation’s role in promoting and supporting academic excellence and engagement in civil society.
Strategic Priorities
The Foundation has identified three main strategic priorities:
1. Focus on the Mission of the Foundation
- Promote academic excellence
- Renew the Foundation’s position within Academia
- Encourage engagement in civil society
2. Update the Foundation’s Program Designs
- Promote a Scholarship Program that emphasizes excellence and multidisciplinary perspectives
- Renew the Fellowship Program
- Ensure an Engaging Mentorship Program
- Refresh the Public Interaction Program (PIP)
3. Continued Focus on Sound Management
- Ensure financial sustainability
- Ensure governance stability
- Measure performance