Joseph Young
- Fellow 2023
- Alumni
Professor Young's interests relate to the cross-national causes and consequences of political violence. He has published numerous peer-reviewed…

Richard Thompson Ford
- Mentor 2022
- Alumni
Dr. Richard Thompson Ford is a lawyer, a law professor at Stanford University, and an expert in civil rights and antidiscrimination law. he is a…

Christiane Germain
- Mentor 2022
- Alumni
A model of female leadership, Christiane Germain, O.C., C.Q. is the co-founder and co-president of Le germain hotels. awarded honoris causa…

Régis Labeaume
- Mentor 2022
- Alumni
Throughout his professional career, Régis Labeaume has contributed significantly to socio-economic, cultural and technological growth in quebec city…

Mariette Mulaire
- Mentor 2022
- Alumni
Mariette Mulaire is an award-winning leader in national and international socio-economic and cultural development, and in the promotion of manitoban…

Roxana Akhmetova
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Roxana Akhmetova is a doctoral student in Migration Studies at the University of Oxford.

Karine Asselin
- Mentor 2021
- Alumni
Ms. Asselin served as Canada's Ambassador to the Republic of Panama from 2015 to 2018. Recently, she has held senior management positions in the…

Monique Auger
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Monique Auger is Métis of Haudenosaunee, Nisga’a, and French ancestry. She lives on the territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋən peoples and is a PhD student in…

Prativa Baral
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Dr. Prativa Baral is an epidemiologist and a faculty associate at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Lydie C. Belporo
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Graduate in law and international relations, Lydie C. Belporo is pursuing a PhD at the School of Criminology at Université de Montréal.

Robert Blair
- Fellow 2021
- Alumni
Fulbright Canada-Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellow

María Juliana Angarita Bohórquez
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Born in the Andes mountains of Colombia, María Juliana is an internationalist and museologist, currently a PhD candidate in museology, mediation, and…

Stéphanie Chouinard
- Fellow 2021
- Alumni
Dr. Stéphanie Chouinard is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at Royal Military College (Kingston) and Queen's…

Étienne Cossette-Lefebvre
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Étienne Cossette-Lefebvre is a lawyer, a PhD candidate in law at the University of Toronto, and an adjunct assistant professor and fellow in property…

Anick Desrosiers
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Anick Desrosiers is pursuing doctoral studies in social work at McGill University.

Raphaël Grenier-Benoit
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Raphaël Grenier-Benoit will begin his doctorate at the University of Oxford Faculty of Law.

Julius Grey
- Mentor 2021
- Alumni
Julius Grey is a renowned lawyer with more than 40 years of experience and practice in several areas of law, notably in human rights and freedom and…

Kylie Heales
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Kylie Heales is a PhD student in the Alberta School of Business’ Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management Department at the University of Alberta.

Emmanuel Kattan
- Mentor 2021
- Alumni
Emmanuel Kattan is a Doctor of Philosophy and Politics and a former Rhodes Scholar who works to foster collaborations between academic communities…

Aldéa Landry
- Mentor 2021
- Alumni
The Honourable Aldéa Landry is a former politician, a business owner, a volunteer and an advocate for numerous causes. She is the former Chancellor…

François Larocque
- Fellow 2021
- Alumni
François Larocque is professor of Law at the University of Ottawa and has published in the areas
of philosophy of law, Canadian legal history,…

Jasmine Mah
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Jasmine Mah is a resident doctor who is passionate about caring for older adults. She holds an MD from the University of Ottawa and an MSc from the…

Bryon Maxey
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Bryon Maxey is a PhD student in Religion at the University of Toronto.

Azola Zuma Mayekiso
- Mentor 2021
- Alumni
Azola Zuma Mayekiso began her career as Associate Investment Consultant with Alexander Forbes Financial Services in 2003. She holds an MA in…

Kowan O’Keefe
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Kowan O’Keefe is from Kamloops, British Columbia, and is a post-doctoral research associate at the Center for Global Sustainability at the University…

Joshua Okyere
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Joshua Okyere is a PhD student in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Manitoba.

Chanelle Robinson
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Chanelle Robinson is a doctoral student in Systematic Theology at Boston College.

Gabrielle Scrimshaw Sagalov
- Mentor 2021
- Alumni
Gabrielle Scrimshaw Sagalov has an MBA from Stanford and is a Gleitsman Fellow at the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard University. A proud…

Lorna Williams
- Fellow 2021
- Alumni
Dr. Lorna Wanosts’a7 Williams is the first director of the University of Victoria's Indigenous education program

Cristina Wood
- Scholar 2021
- Alumni
Cristina Marie Wood is a PhD candidate in History at York University.

Laya Behbahani
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Laya Behbahani is a PhD student at the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University.

Joel Bernbaum
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Joel Bernbaum is an actor, director, playwright, journalist and the founding artistic director of Sum Theatre.

Jérémy Boulanger Bonnelly
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Jérémy Boulanger-Bonnelly is a doctoral candidate at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.

Carole Boulebsol
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Carole Boulebsol is completing a Ph.D. in Applied Human Sciences at the Université de Montréal and has degrees in sociology, feminist studies, social…

Leah Carrier
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Leah Carrier is a Niitsítapi (Blackfoot) registered nurse and doctoral student at Dalhousie University.

Glenn Cohen
- Fellow 2020
- Alumni
Prof. Glenn Cohen (B.A. (University of Toronto), J.D. (Harvard)) is one of the world's leading experts on the intersection of bioethics and the…

Jasmine Dionne
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Jasmine is completing a PhD in political science.

Allison Furniss
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Allison Furniss is a PhD candidate in the department of anthropology at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.

Christina Goldhar
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Christina Goldhar is a Doctoral Candidate in Geography and Planning at Queen’s University and the Project Coordinator of “At Home in the North”, a…

Randall Harp
- Fellow 2020
- Alumni
Fulbright Canada - Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellow / Joint Chair in Contemporary Public Policy 2020.
Randall Harp's (B.A. (Columbia)…

Bob Haverluck
- Mentor 2020
- Alumni
Bob Haverluck (B.A. (University of Manitoba), B.D. Hons. (University of Winnipeg) is a Manitoba artist-educator and theologian who works with…

Jennifer Lavalley
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Jennifer Lavalley is a Project Coordinator at the BC Centre on Substance Use providing research support to the Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction…

Anita Lazurko
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Anita Lazurko is completing a PhD in Social and Ecological Sustainability at the University of Waterloo.

Janice McDonald
- Mentor 2020
- Alumni
Janice McDonald (B.A. (University of Ottawa) B.A., M.A. (Carleton), M.F.A. (King’s College), ICD.D (Rotman)) is a sought-after speaker, advisor and…

Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin
- Mentor 2020
- Alumni
The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin (P.C., C.C., CStJ., B.A., M.A., LL.B. (University of Alberta)) is a former Justice of the Supreme Court of…

Eric M. Meslin
- Mentor 2020
- Alumni
Eric M. Meslin (B.A. (York University), M.A. (Georgetown), Ph.D. (Georgetown) has had a three-decade long career in academic, government and not-for…

Kalpana Iyer Mohanty
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Kalpana Iyer Mohanty is a first-year PhD candidate in History at Harvard University.

Veronica Øverlid
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Veronica Øverlid is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University, focusing on migration and refugee law.

Kelsey Pennanen
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Kelsey Pennanen is an archaeologist and educator.

Vardit Ravitsky
- Fellow 2020
- Alumni
Vardit Ravitsky (B.A. (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) M.A., (University of New Mexico), PH.D. (Bar-Ilan University)) is Professor at the Bioethics…

Nathalie Des Rosiers
- Mentor 2020
- Alumni
Nathalie Des Rosiers (O.C., O.O., F.R.S.C., L.S.M., LL.B. (University of Montreal), LL.M.(Harvard)), is the Principal of Massey College, a former…

Patrice Sauvé
- Mentor 2020
- Alumni
Patrice Sauvé (B.A. Concordia) is a film director and audacious visual master. His work was twice awarded many Prix Gémeaux and other prizes for…

Christophe Tremblay
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Christophe Tremblay has wide-ranging experience in research, teaching and collective action in health and social services.

Rémy Paulin Twahirwa
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Rémy-Paulin Twahirwa is involved in various social justice causes, notably the human rights of migrants and refugees.

Charlie Wall-Andrews
- Scholar 2020
- Alumni
Charlie Wall-Andrews is a Ph.D. student at Ted Rogers’ School of Management and a faculty member at the University of Toronto.

Denise Williams
- Mentor 2020
- Alumni
Denise Williams (B.A., M.B.A. (Simon Fraser)) is the CEO of First Nations Technology Council and has the privilege of working with Indigenous…

Vanessa Ambtman-Smith
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
Indigenous traditional healing spaces within a hospital context: Examining relationships between health, healing and reconciliation.

Marie Battiste
- Fellow 2019
- Alumni
Dr. Marie Battiste (PETF Fellow 2019-2022) is a citizen of the Mi’kmaq Nation, an enrolled member of the Potlotek First Nation and the Aroostook Band…

Candis Callison
- Fellow 2019
- Alumni
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Journalism - University of British Columbia

Carlo Charles
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
Black Refuge: Ethno-racialization, Nationalism, and the Socio-political Integration of Haitians in Canada and France

Abigail Curlew
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
DIY Gender Policing: Doxxing, Transmisogyny and the Weaponization of Visibility

Kody Doxtater
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
From the Ground Up: Building Health Policy from Indigenous Cultures. Restoring Culturally Appropriate Relationships Between Indigenous Peoples and…

Lia Grimanis
- Mentor 2019
- Alumni
NGO, business, entrepreneur

Christine Hanson
- Mentor 2019
- Alumni
Public servant, diplomat, lawyer, human rights

Riley Kucheran
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
Decolonizing Fashion and Mobilizing Indigenous Resurgence

Caroline Leblanc
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
Improving Access and Adequacy of Resources for People Living on the Street in Winter: Participatory Research in Canada and France.

Shannon Litzenberger
- Mentor 2019
- Alumni
Arts, dance, entrepreneurship

Cindy Ma
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
Righteous Laughter: Irony, Identity, and the Online Politics of Transgression

Cynthia Milton
- Fellow 2019
- Alumni
Professor, Department of History - Université de Montréal

Laxmi Parthasarathy
- Mentor 2019
- Alumni
Media, NGO, international

Martha Paynter
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
Reproductive (In)Justice and Federal Incarceration: Maternal Health in Canadian Prisons

Holly Prince
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
Wiiji'iwe: An Indigenous Researcher's Exploration of a First Nations Community's Experience of Participatory Action Research

Diane Roberts
- Scholar 2019
- Alumni
Navigating Stories of Exile, Loss & Belonging Through Performing Ancestral Memory

Fahad Ahmad
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Fahad Ahmad (public policy, Carleton University) examines how counter-radicalization policies affect nonprofit and community organizations serving…

Billy-Ray Belcourt
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Billy-Ray Belcourt (English, University of Alberta) looks at his personal history and the works of contemporary Indigenous artists and writers to…

Cecilia Benoit
- Fellow 2018
- Alumni
Using community empowerment and transformative learning strategies, Professor Cecilia Benoit (sociology, University of Victoria) enables sex workers…

Nathalie Bondil
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
As the director and chief curator of the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts, Nathalie Bondil steers curative practices towards innovation and…

Nathaniel Brunt
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Nathaniel Brunt (communication and culture, Ryerson University) studies how well stories and photos of the conflict in the Kashmir Valley capture the…

Mary Anne Chambers
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
Rich in experience in private enterprise and the public service, Mary Anne Chambers's work in community-building and on behalf of youth has…

Ayesha S. Chaudhry
- Fellow 2018
- Alumni
Engaging the academic, policy, and public spheres, Professor Ayesha Chaudhry (gender and Islamic studies, University of British Columbia) sparks a…

Denise Chong
- Member
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
Straddling the worlds of writing and public policy, Denise Chong was a trailblazer for diversity and inclusiveness in the public service before…

Graham Fraser
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
The commissioner of official languages for Canada from 2006 to 2016 and a former renowned journalist, Graham Fraser contributes a granular and…

Andrea Goertz
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
A champion of the triple bottom line approach to the economy, society, and the environment, Andrea Goertz is a leading figure in sustainable…

Spencer Greening
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Spencer Greening (archaeology, Simon Fraser University) is investigating how using Indigenous knowledge and languages in land stewardship can lead to…

Mohammad Karamouzian
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Mohammad Karamouzian (population and public health, University of British Columbia) seeks to determine how individual and structural factors - from…

Andrew Kaufman
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Andrew Kaufman (geography, University of Toronto) researches financial firms that invest in other countries' debt.

Marie-Soleil L'Allier
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Marie-Soleil L'Allier(environmental science, Université du Québec à Montréal) is studying how self-organization and self-management practices…

Diala Lteif
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Diala Lteif (urban planning, University of Toronto) investigates how, in making Beirut their home, refugees and internally displaced populations in…

Jayne Malenfant
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Jayne Malenfant (education, McGill University) analyzes the barriers faced by precariously housed youth at school and in the labour market to promote…

Judith Marcuse
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
By weaving acclaimed dance and choreographing techniques with community outreach activities on youth suicide, violence, and social justice, Judith…

Alexandra Mogyoros
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Alexandra Mogyoros (law, University of Oxford) proposes to explore how trademarks can be used to give consumers robust and verifiable information and…

Grace Nosek
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Grace Nosek (law, University of British Columbia) researches legal tools to prevent corporations from deliberately undermining scientific evidence…

André Picard
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
Thirty years of observation and fearless commentary on public health policy have earned André Picard respect as a defender of consumers'…

William Schultz
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
William Schultz (sociology, University of Alberta) conducts research in Canadian jails, interviewing prisoners and staff about how fentanyl and major…

Malinda S. Smith
- Fellow 2018
- Alumni
By excavating and foregrounding often-hidden histories, Professor Malinda Smith (political science, University of Alberta) aims to address the…

Bernard Soubry
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Bernard Soubry (geography and environment, University of Oxford) documents how climate change affects the Maritime provinces' food system and…

Phoebe Stephens
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
Phoebe Stephens (environment and resource studies, University of Waterloo) explores the role of social finance in supporting more regenerative food…

Kim TallBear
- Fellow 2018
- Alumni
By blending research and creative practice in her RELAB, Professor Kim TallBear (Native studies, University of Alberta) seeks to showcase "good…

Neil Yeates
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
After a 32-year career in federal and provincial public service in Ottawa and Regina, Neil Yeates applied his expertise in public policy and…

Leehi Yona
- Scholar 2018
- Alumni
To better understand how methodologies and cultural norms affect climate policy making, Leehi Yona (environment and resources, Stanford University)…

Lynn Zimmer
- Mentor 2018
- Alumni
From journalism to community engagement, Lynn Zimmer works to prevent violence against women and promote equity in Peterborough, Ontario.

Karen Bakker
- Fellow 2017
- Alumni
Professor Karen Bakker and a Community-Based Research collective of Indigenous knowledge keepers, community partners, scholars and artists are…

Manon Barbeau
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Documentary filmmaker and entrepreneur, Manon Barbeau has engaged with Indigenous youth using video and music creation to give voice to more than 40…

Ryan Beaton
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Ryan Beaton (law, University of Victoria) is examining the role Canadian courts have adopted over the past several decades in trying to reconcile the…

Tim Brodhead
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Throughout his career in the non-governmental sector, Tim Brodhead played a leadership role to support justice and social change initiatives in…

Mel Cappe
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Professor at the University of Toronto, former clerk of the Privy Council, secretary to Cabinet, deputy minister, and former president of the…

Benjamin Gagnon Chainey
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Benjamin Gagnon Chainey, pht, PhD, is a physiotherapist, author, and postdoctoral researcher in the HEALS medical humanities program at Dalhousie…

Thomas Cromwell
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
As a former academic and retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, Thomas Cromwell has worked to improve access to justice. He currently serves…

Pauline D’Amboise
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
For more than 30 years, Pauline D'Amboise has spearheaded initiatives on corporate social responsibility, good governance, and ethics at…

Barbara Doran
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Filmmaker, activist, and businesswoman, Barbara Doran is a pioneer in filmmaking in Newfoundland and Labrador. During her career, she covered a wide…

Bernard Duhaime
- Fellow 2017
- Alumni
Professor Bernard Duhaime's project proposes to create a platform that will allow Canadians to learn from Latin American experiences protecting…

Daniel Del Gobbo
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Daniel Del Gobbo (law, University of Toronto) is researching the role of alternative dispute resolution in addressing campus sexual violence in…

Hiromi Goto
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Through her creative work, author, editor, and teacher Hiromi Goto bridges cultures and experiences, and brings to the fore the importance of…

Vathsala Illesinghe
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Vathsala Illesinghe (policy studies, Ryerson University) is analyzing the migration trajectory of people who have moved from Sri Lanka to Canada to…

Stephanie Lake
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Stephanie Lake (population and public health, University of British Columbia) is investigating how the medical use and legalization of cannabis might…

Audrey Macklin
- Fellow 2017
- Alumni
Professor Audrey Macklin's project examines private refugee sponsorship from sponsors' perspectives. Macklin will learn about the…

Sarah Mason-Case
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Sarah Mason-Case (law and international relations, University of Toronto) examines how diverse communities of state and non-state actors, including…

Claudia Mitchell
- Fellow 2017
- Alumni
Under Professor Claudia Mitchell's project, girls from seven countries around the world will meet and produce photography or smartphone videos…

Milad Parpouchi
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Dr. Milad Parpouchi is a public health professional and applied health scientist specialized in mental health and addiction recovery in the Faculty…

Sophie Pierre
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Former chief of ʔAq̓am, St. Mary's Indian Band and former chief commissioner of the British Columbia Treaty Commission, Sophie Pierre is an…

Valerie Pringle
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Following a 35-year career as a prominent broadcast journalist with CBC, CTV, and Discovery Channel Canada, Valerie Pringle now works as a volunteer…

Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny (environmental law, University of Ottawa) critically analyzes rules under the law of the sea that protect marine…

Stéphanie Roy
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Stéphanie Roy (administrative law, Université Laval) wants to redefine the obligations of the state towards the environment to reflect ethical…

Sophie de Saussure
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Sophie de Saussure (law, University of Ottawa) is exploring how courts might better take the interest of offenders' children into account when…

Brett Schrewe
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Brett Schrewe (educational studies, University of British Columbia) is drawing upon the history and design of medical education to re-imagine…

Lynn Smith
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Former British Columbia Supreme Court judge and executive director of the National Judicial Institute, the Honorable Lynn Smith has been…

Jamie Snook
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Jamie Snook (Indigenous Health, University of Guelph) is researching the links between Indigenous inspired social determinants of health and the co…

Emma Swan
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Emma Swan (international development and global studies, University of Ottawa) is exploring the relationship between violence, the construction of…

Ryan Tonkin
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Ryan Tonkin (philosophy, University of Victoria) is examining the philosophical and legal justifications for tax proposals aimed at alleviating…

Norman Vorano
- Fellow 2017
- Alumni
Professor Norman Vorano will create the Arctic Cultural Heritage Research Network, a single, culturally-appropriate web-based portal enabling…

Elena Waldispuehl
- Scholar 2017
- Alumni
Elena Waldispuehl (Political Science, Université de Montréal) is interested in how the use of social media is redefining collective action and the…

Bruce Walsh
- Mentor 2017
- Alumni
Publisher Bruce Walsh is founding director of University of Regina Press, which has rewritten the script for academic and regional publishing and is…

Aytak Akbari-Dibavar
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Aytak (international relations, York University) is investigating the intergenerational transmission of political trauma in authoritarian states,…

Adelle Blackett
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
Drawing on her scholarship on and advocacy for social justice, notably domestic and migrant workers' rights, Professor Adelle Blackett will…

Samuel Blouin
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Samuel Blouin (sociology and religious studies, Université de Montréal and Université de Lausanne): Drawing on field research, Samuel is analyzing…

Sébastien Brodeur-Girard
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Sébastien Brodeur-Girard,
Professor, School of Indigenous Studies at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT)

Heather Bullock
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Heather Bullock (health policy, McMaster University) is identifying the best ways to embed mental health policy into daily practice across the…

Christopher Campbell-Duruflé
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Christopher Campbell-Duruflé (international law, University of Toronto) analyzes how new rules of international law resulting from United Nations…

John A. Coleman
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Lawyer John A. Coleman is a forward-thinking leader with deep experience in strategic management, and labour relations at one of Canada's…

Deborah Cowen
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
Professor Deborah Cowen's research looks at how conflicts over infrastructures have come to define our political landscape. She rethinks…

Susan Delacourt
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
One of Canada's most respected political journalists and authors, Susan Delacourt has 30 years' expertise covering such subjects as the…

Marie-Ève Desroches
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Marie-Ève Desroches (urban studies, Institut national de la recherche scientifique) is investigating the factors that influence the adoption of…

Anna Dion
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Anna Dion (family medicine, McGill University) is seeking to improve the quality and access to maternity care for marginalized women in Canada,…

Elaine Feldman
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Over a fruitful career in the federal public service, Elaine Feldman developed extensive experience in trade negotiations, international trade law,…

Georgette Gagnon
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
International human rights lawyer and activist Georgette Gagnon has designed and implemented strategic initiatives on human rights, the rule of law,…

Michael Horgan
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
A former deputy minister of four departments of the Government of Canada, Michael Horgan provided strategic advice on a wide range of economic,…

Ido Katri
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Ido Katri (law, University of Toronto) is proposing an approach to promoting gender self-determination that accounts for the diversity of…

Gerard Kennedy
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Gerard Kennedy (law, York University) is exploring how Canadian civil procedure can be reformed to increase access to justice and improve relations…

Jean Lebel
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Jean Lebel is one of Canada's strongest voices on the interface between development and foreign policy and on innovation in global health and…

Louis LeBel
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Former Supreme Court of Canada judge Louis LeBel is known for an intellectual curiosity that goes beyond law to encompass economics, politics,…

Gillian McKay
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Gillian McKay (public health, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) is researching ways to provide safe maternal health services during…

Cynthia Morinville
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Cynthia Morinville (geography, University of Toronto) is exploring the lived experiences of informal workers in the global South who extract rare…

Antoine Pellerin
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Antoine Pellerin (law, Université Laval) is interested in the government's power to contract and is examining the conditions required for this…

Tony Penikett
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Currently a mediator and negotiator, who, as a two-term premier in the Yukon, Tony Penikett negotiated settlements of Yukon First Nation land claims…

Catherine Potvin
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
An expert in tropical rainforest conservation and climate change, Professor Catherine Potvin's research seeks to foster cross-cultural learning…

Poonam Puri
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
Building on her expertise in corporate governance, Professor Poonam Puri's research will develop pragmatic policy and suggest legal solutions to…

Catriona Sandilands
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
Professor Catriona Sandilands's project will develop a significant public conversation about climate change, environmental justice, and everyday…

John Stackhouse
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
An award-winning journalist and the former editor-in-chief of The Globe and Mail, John Stackhouse, now a senior vice-president of the Royal Bank of…

Jesse Thistle
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Jesse Thistle (history, York University) is studying the lives of Metis people living on road allowances -- makeshift communities built on Crown land…

Pauline Voon
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Pauline Voon (population and public health, University of British Columbia) is exploring how the link between pain management and addiction may…

Marie Wilson
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
After 35 years as an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, and pioneer of Northern Canada's first daily television news service, Marie Wilson…

Victor Young
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
One of Eastern Canada's most respected businesspeople and philanthropists, Victor L. Young has held high-level positions in government and the…

Avram Denburg
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Avram Denburg (health policy, McMaster University) is attempting to develop a framework for making decisions about public funding for new medicines…

Marie Deschamps
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
A former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, she enriches the Foundation community with her vast knowledge of the courts and the law in Canada…

Jocelyn Downie
- Fellow 2015
- Alumni
Professor Jocelyn Downie is an expert on the protection of human participants in research, end of life law and policy, and the protection and…

Robert Fonberg
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
Over his fruitful career with the Canadian public service, he developed extensive experience in public policy in the areas of defence and…

Marie-France Fortin
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Marie-France Fortin (legal studies, University of Cambridge) is studying the historical principle of state sovereign immunity and investigating the…

John Fraser
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
- Member
For 20 years, he served as master of Massey College at the University of Toronto. An award-winning journalist and prolific author, he helps the…

Ken Georgetti
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
He brings to the Foundation community a strong ability to combine the activist traditions of the Canadian labour movement with an in-depth…

Bailey Gerrits
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Bailey Gerrits (political studies, Queen's University) is examining media coverage of domestic violence and the way that Canadian media seem to…

William Hébert
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
William Hébert (social-cultural anthropology, University of Toronto) is investigating the emergence of trans-affirming policies and projects for…

Jennifer Jones
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Jennifer Jones (geography, University of Guelph) is looking for the best method of assessing the effects of mining industry development on the health…

Caroline Lieffers
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Caroline Lieffers (history of science and medicine, Yale University) is studying the relationship between disability and citizenship in nineteenth-…

Robert P. Moody
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
Robert Moody's career achievements include helping to establish the public service of the new territory of Nunavut and improving public services…

Rebeccah Nelems
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Rebeccah Nelems (sociology and cultural, social and political thought, University of Victoria) is studying empathy in young people and how it affects…

Stephen Owen
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
A former federal minister, deputy attorney general of British Columbia, and vice president at The University of British Columbia, he has advised…

Cleo Paskal
- Fellow 2015
- Alumni
Cleo Paskal researches the strategic implications of the confluence of geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geophysical change, particularly in the Indo…

Jennifer Peirce
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Jennifer Peirce (criminal justice, City University of New York) is exploring how prison governance reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean over…

Benjamin Perryman
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Benjamin Perryman (law, Yale University) is applying the emerging science of happiness to ways that Canadian justice might better reflect the needs…

Tahnee Prior
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Tahnee Prior (global governance, University of Waterloo) hopes to define a new governance framework that will address the emerging and complex issues…

René Provost
- Fellow 2015
- Alumni
Professor René Provost specializes in international human rights, humanitarian law, and legal theory.

Don Roberts
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
Economist Don Roberts offers the Foundation community the opportunity to draw on his intimate knowledge of the financial services sector to promote…

Jillian Stirk
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
Retired after 30 years of service in the foreign service, she brings strategic expertise in foreign policy and multilateral negotiations.

Jennifer Stoddart
- Mentor 2015
- Alumni
Former Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jennifer Stoddart is recognized as a global leader in protecting privacy.

Meaghan Thumath
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Trudeau Scholar alumni Dr. Meaghan Thumath is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia and a Canadian public health…

Nancy J. Turner
- Fellow 2015
- Alumni
Professor Nancy J. Turner is an ethnobotanist whose expertise spans the fields of botany, linguistics, anthropology, and law.

Anelyse Weiler
- Scholar 2015
- Alumni
Anelyse Weiler (sociology, University of Toronto) wants to understand how the perspectives of migrant farmworkers in North America on environmental,…

Wendell Nii Laryea Adjetey
- Member
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Wendell Nii Laryea Adjetey (Nii Laryea Osabu I, Atrékor Wé Oblahii kè Oblayéé Mantsè) is Associate Professor of post-Reconstruction U.S. and African…

Erika Bockstael
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Erika's research with a community of Caiçara, who have status as 'Traditional People' in Brazil, is exploring capacity development for…

Denise Bombardier
- Mentor 2014
- Alumni
A journalist, writer, and commentator of Quebec and Francophile culture and politics whose renowned talent for polemics will add a non-conformist…

Geoffrey Cameron
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Geoffrey is studying the influence of religious communities on the development of international refugee policies in North America.

Louise Charron
- Mentor 2014
- Alumni
She brings a genuine desire to share a wealth of experience drawn from her outstanding career in law spent in private practice and judgeship in…

Myriam Denov
- Fellow 2014
- Alumni
Professor Denov works on the conditions and the prospects of children born of rape in Northern Uganda and other conflict zones. Grounded in one-on…

Melanie Doucet
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
She is analyzing the social and health services that youth receive from the Child Protection System to propose ways to improve them.

Evan Fraser
- Fellow 2014
- Alumni
A global expert in food security, Professor Fraser raises awareness of the social and environmental consequences of food price volatility and looks…

Ali Hamandi
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Ali's research is focused on the political economy of health care, especially as it relates to aging in OECD states.

Pierre Marc Johnson
- Mentor 2014
- Alumni
A man of vast interests and culture exemplified by his background as a lawyer and physician, he shares his experience in international arbitration…

Joanna Langille
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Joanna is examining the legitimacy of courts of law applying foreign private law in contractual and property disputes and family law matters that are…

Nathan Lemphers
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Nathan is seeking to apply to Canada Norway's experience of decreasing its domestic carbon emissions while continuing fossil fuel extraction.

Jason Edward Lewis
- Fellow 2014
- Alumni
Jason Edward Lewis is a digital media theorist, poet, and software designer. He founded Obx Laboratory for Experimental Media, where he conducts…

Clarence Louie
- Mentor 2014
- Alumni
As chief of the Osoyoos Indian Band, he has consistently emphasized economic development as a means to improve his people's standard of living…

Andrea Marston
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Andrea is analyzing the emergence of the cooperative mining sector as one of Bolivia's most politically influential social forces.

Marie-Lucie Morin
- Mentor 2014
- Alumni
She has a vast network in international affairs cultivated at the highest levels of public service, including deputy minister of international trade…

Jake Pyne
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Jake is seeking to establish innovative ways to accompany the parents, caregivers, and health providers of transgender youth during their gender…

Ayden Scheim
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Ayden is researching how marginalization impacts transgender people's health in order to find strategies for intervention at the social and…

David Schindler
- Mentor 2014
- Alumni
He is an expert in environmental policies well-known for his work on the impact of industry on freshwater and aquatic ecosystems, both in Canada and…

Mary Simon
- Mentor 2014
- Alumni
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., O.Q., C.D., Governor General and Commander-In-Chief Of Canada is a champion of…

Tammara Soma
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Tammara is studying the factors that influence food consumption and food wasting in urban Indonesia and ways to end the dumping of food waste in…

Claudia Stoicescu
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
Ms. Stoicescu is investigating the trigger elements of sexual and injection-related HIV risk behaviours among women who use drugs and marginalized…

Rebecca Sutton
- Scholar 2014
- Alumni
She is studying the international community's response to armed conflict today through the new lens of law, war, and aid combined.

Glenda Yeates
- Mentor 2014
- Alumni
She brings an extensive experience in policy-making supported by evidence, acquired during a stellar career in the public service as deputy minister…

Gerald Bareebe
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
The Role of Military in State Consolidation, Regime Legitimation and Nation-Building in Uganda and Rwanda

Sylvie Bodineau
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
Sylvie Bodineau MA, PhD is an anthropologist. After 20 years of experience in social work and humanitarian child protection intervention, she decided…

Chiara Camponeschi
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
Dr. Chiara Camponeschi is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at York University's Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research, working under the…

Timothy Caulfield
- Fellow 2013
- Alumni
This unrivalled communicator is debunking myths and assumptions about innovation in the health sector -- from research on stem cells to diets to…

Jennifer Clapp
- Fellow 2013
- Alumni
Professor Clapp is a political economist wary of the effect of global trade and the influence of transnational corporations on food security and the…

Anna-Louise Crago
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
Among vulnerable groups victimized by armed conflict, sex workers are the most easily overlooked. Anna-Louise asks whether they could be better…

Len Edwards
- Mentor 2013
- Alumni
In 2010, Mr. Edwards retired after 41 years in Canada's public service. He has an extensive experience in foreign affairs and international…

Michael Fortier
- Mentor 2013
- Alumni
A former senator and minister of international trade, Mr. Fortier is now vice chairman of RBC Capital Markets and has in-depth knowledge of North…

Kyle Kirkup
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
The human rights and dignity of LGBT individuals cannot be addressed by family law alone. Kyle Kirkup wonders whether it is possible to achieve…

Jean Leclair
- Fellow 2013
- Alumni
Recognized as the foremost expert of federalism in Canada, he turns a critical eye on the political relationships between peoples and governments and…

Ryan Liss
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
Ryan Liss seeks to determine whether a common set of fundamental justice principles can rally the nations of the world, as was done in the case of…

Wade MacLauchlan
- Mentor 2013
- Alumni
Premier of Prince Edward Island and president emeritus of the University of Prince Edward Island, Mr. MacLauchlan is an expert in administrative law,…

Sandy Martin
- Mentor 2013
- Alumni
Currently vice president (East Coast) for Suncor Energy, Mr. Martin will help connect the Trudeau community with the resource extraction industry.

Jessica McDonald
- Mentor 2013
- Alumni
Jessica McDonald is a management executive and a consultant specializing in relationships and the resolution of disputes between governments, the…

David Morgan
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
David Morgan seeks to explore the changing landscape of humanitarian aid, and the ways in which aid agencies can better adapt to an evolving global…

Sara Pavan
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
Strategic Planning Advisor, BC Housing

Kent Roach
- Fellow 2013
- Alumni
A specialist in constitutional law and human rights advocate, Professor Roach has made his mark through work on security certificates in the wake of…

Robyn Sneath
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
Drawing on over a century of history of Mennonite communities in Canada, Robyn Sneath is learning about how government education policies may have…

Rosemary Thompson
- Mentor 2013
- Alumni
An exceptional communicator, Rosemary Thompson has been one of Canada's best known journalists, covering some of the biggest stories of this…

Leah Trueblood
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
Leah's research concerns the roles of, and justifications for, referendums in representative democracies.

Emily White
- Scholar 2013
- Alumni
Traditionally, courts have hesitated to give emotions a place in judicial decisions. Emily White is looking into a way to use emotions in the service…

Nathan Andrews
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
Banting Postdoctoral Fellow and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Queen's University.

Sara Angel
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
Sara Angel is the Founder, Executive Director and Publisher of the Art Canada Institute at Massey College. She teaches on the subjects of art…

Gabrielle Bardall
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
She is an American student studying electoral violence in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa.

Elizabeth Beale
- Mentor 2012
- Alumni
Elizabeth Beale has been the president and CEO of the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC) since 1996\. Prior to this, she worked as a…

Cindy Blackstock
- Mentor 2012
- Alumni
An author of over 50 publications, her key interests include exploring, and addressing, the causes of disadvantage for Aboriginal children and…

Maria Campbell
- Fellow 2012
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
A prominent Métis cultural leader, Ms. Campbell will contribute to innovative research at the new Chair in Métis Studies at the University of Ottawa,…

Megan Daniels
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
Archaeologist and ancient historian, and assistant professor of ancient Greek material culture in the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and…

Catherine Dauvergne
- Fellow 2012
- Alumni
One of Canada's foremost authorities on refugee and immigration law, Professor Dauvergne is committed to transforming how Canada and other…

Kerri Froc
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Law and Legal Studies and an adjunct research professor at Carleton University. Kerri was Vice-President of…

Matthew Gordner
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
He is studying youth empowerment and the politics of authoritarianism and democratization in Tunisia.

Joseph Heath
- Fellow 2012
- Alumni
A renowned philosopher with an acute capacity to debunk widespread ideas on environmental, economical, social, and political issues, the scholarly…

Steven Hoffman
- Member
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
Professor Steven J. Hoffman is Chief of Staff at Wellcome Trust, where he supports the day-to-day management of the organization and drives…

Lisa Kerr
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
Dr. Lisa Kerr, JD (UBC), LLM, JSD (New York University) is Assistant Professor at Queen's University, where she is the Director of the Criminal…

Frances Lankin
- Mentor 2012
- Alumni
Lifelong advocate for workers' and women's rights. Member of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Joint Parliamentarians.

Florence Larocque
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
She analyzes the place of public utilities such as water supply and electricity in public policy - economic goods or social rights?

Daniel Lessard
- Mentor 2012
- Alumni
He had a great career at Radio-Canada. He was named national correspondent on Ottawa's Parliament Hill, he hosted different television programs…

Nehraz Mahmud
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
She is focusing on the barriers to women's rights to property in Bangladesh.

Janine Marchessault
- Fellow 2012
- Alumni
Through her groundbreaking creative work and research, Professor Marchessault aims to interpret and illustrate the city and its sustainability issues…

Michael Pal
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
Michael is Assistant Professor in Law at the University of Ottawa.

Bernard Richard
- Mentor 2012
- Alumni
An Acadian lawyer and a former social worker and former MLA, Bernard Richer is currently an advisor with Mi’gmaq Child and Family Services of New…

John Sims
- Mentor 2012
- Alumni
John Sims is a former deputy minister of justice and deputy attorney general of Canada. He has had broad experience as a senior lawyer to government,…

Chuck Strahl
- Mentor 2012
- Alumni
He advocated the unification of the conservative movement and served as minister of agriculture, of Indian and northern affairs, and of transport and…

Carla Suarez
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
She is interested in civilian agency under rebel governance, with a focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Kerrie Thornhill
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
She is examining perceptions of gender violence in postwar Liberia, in institutional as well as informal advocacy work.

Katrin Wittig
- Scholar 2012
- Alumni
She is analyzing the transformation of rebel groups into political parties in the African Great Lakes Region.

George R. M. Anderson
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
A senior mediation expert with the United Nations' Mediation Support Unit, George Anderson was the president and CEO of the Forum of Federations…

Margaret Bloodworth
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
She is a former senior public servant. She was the first Deputy Minister of Public Safety, Deputy Minister of Defence and Deputy Minister of…

Jacques Bougie
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
He was president and chief executive officer of Alcan Inc.; he is currently a director of McCain Foods Limited and The CSL Group Ltd. He was made an…

Joseph Caron
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
He subsequently served three times at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, including as Minister and Head of Chancery, and he served as Canada's…

Rita Deverell
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
Rita Deverell was the 12th holder of Nancy's Chair in Women's Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University. A theatre artist and an…

Lara Rosenoff Gauvin
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Dr. Lara Rosenoff Gauvin is a mother, activist scholar, and Associate Professor of Socio-Cultural Anthropology at the University of Manitoba. She is…

Alana Gerecke
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Alana is exploring how public performance art can shape and improve social behaviours in our cities

Claris Harbon
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Claris is focusing on how civil disobedience initiated by women can affect legislation

Chantal Hébert
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
A highly respected and influential columnist and political commentator, she shares her extensive understanding of political issues with promising PhD…

Macartan Humphreys
- Fellow 2011
- Alumni
Professor Humphreys is internationally acclaimed for his innovative field experiment approach to issues such as the influence of resource management…

Sébastien Jodoin
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Sébastien is Assistant Professor at the McGill's Law Faculty.

Brent Loken
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Brent studies the interplay of social, ecological and economic factors in the conservation of clouded leopards in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Alexandra Lysova
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Alexandra is researching women's attitudes in situations of recurring domestic violence

Johnny Mack
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Johnny is investigating how the traditional socio-political and legal framework of the Nuu-chah-nulth people (a group of First Nations peoples living…

John McGarry
- Fellow 2011
- Alumni
John McGarry is currently the lead advisor on governance to the UN Good Offices Mission in Cyprus. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada …

Maureen McTeer
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
Through her rich career in law, science, and public policy, she has advocated for a wide range of issues, from the reform of democratic institutions…

Mélanie Millette
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Mélanie is analyzing how social media can provide visibility and legitimacy to minority or marginalized groups.

Haideh Moghissi
- Fellow 2011
- Alumni
After a prolific career in Iran as an archivist, Professor Moghissi became an internationally acclaimed analyst of women's issues in the Muslim…

Samantha Nutt
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
She is the founder and director of War Child Canada and renowned for her energy and invaluable contribution to questions dealing with the impact of…

Danielle Peers
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Dr. Peers studies how culturally-valued movement-based activities of all kinds (including dance, recreation, and sport) can deepen, reflect, or…

Graham Reynolds
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Graham is an Assistant Professor with the Peter A. Allard School of Law at The University of British Columbia.

Ronald Rudin
- Fellow 2011
- Alumni
Professor Rudin is a renowned public historian who innovatively combines various technologies and media -- books, films, Internet, and GPS -- to tell…

Marina Sharpe
- Director
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Marina Sharpe is Associate Professor of international law in the international studies programme at Canada’s Royal Military College Saint-Jean, as…

Zoe Todd
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Zoe is examining the impact of mining development in the Northwest Territories on women's subsistence fishing

Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
Lawyer and children's rights advocate

Laure Waridel
- Scholar 2011
- Alumni
Laure is exploring a vision of sustainable development that reconciles ecological, social and economic viability

Robert Wright
- Mentor 2011
- Alumni
Public service champion, former President and CEO of Export Development Canada, and former federal Deputy Minister of Finance, Wright boasts over 30…

Karina Benessaiah
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Karina is studying how people living in the coastal communities of Central America adapt to environmental and climate change.

Nathan Bennett
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Nathan is a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs at the University of Washington.

Guy Berthiaume
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
Guy Berthiaume is Librarian and Archivist of Canada Emeritus. Formerly, he led the Quebec National Library and Archives and spent two decades at the…

François Bourque
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
François is exploring social determinants of mental health in migrant and ethnic minority groups.

Edward Broadbent
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
Former Professor, Member of Parliament and leader of the NDP, and founding President of Rights and Democracy, he is an expert in the theory and…

Janine Brodie
- Fellow 2010
- Alumni
She endeavours to identify the tools that will effectively reduce poverty and social inequalities at both local and national levels.

Donald W. Campbell
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
Former Group President, CAE inc., Canadian Ambassador to Japan, and Deputy Minister, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, he wields extensive…

Sujit Choudhry
- Fellow 2010
- Alumni
Sujit Choudhry strives to provide counsel for peaceful resolution to civil war-ridden societies.

Amanda Clarke
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Amanda is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University.

Alain-G. Gagnon
- Fellow 2010
- Alumni
An internationally renowned researcher and political scientist, Alain-G. Gagnon actively contributes to the debate on the organization and future of…

Roberta Jamieson
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
CEO and President of Indspire, she was the first woman from a First Nation in Canada to graduate from law school.

Jim Judd
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
As a seasoned, high-ranking public servant assigned to critical positions in Canada and abroad (Caracas, Washington), he handled various strategic…

Lisa Kelly
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Lisa aims to ensure that Canadian law includes children's and adolescents' rights and interests.

Michelle Lawrence
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Michelle is an Associate Professor with the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria. She completed her PhD in Criminology at Simon Fraser…

Steven Loft
- Fellow 2010
- Alumni
He addresses issues of cultural identity, human rights, and communication, and provides new perspectives on Indigenous art and cultural discourse.

Scott Naysmith
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Scott is examining how poultry farmers in Indonesia are coping with government interventions to contain avian influenza.

Pierre S. Pettigrew
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
An expert in international business, former politician and Federal Minister (Foreign Affairs, International Trade), he has led a distinguished career…

Leila Qashu
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Leila is studying how Ethiopian women, while devoid of political power, successfully use musical rituals for conflict resolution.

Rosalind Raddatz
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Associate Vice Provost, Academic Administration and Chief of Staff at Aga Khan University.

Émilie Raymond
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Émilie is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Université Laval.

Edward Roberts
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
Actively involved in public issues for 50 years, he is a flagship figure in Newfoundland and Labrador, where he served as Lieutenant-Governor. His…

Adolfo Agundez Rodriguez
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Adolfo is developing tools to introduce children to the ethics of responsible consumption.

Guy Saint-Pierre
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
Guy Saint-Pierre is the former CEO of SNC-Lavalin and a former minister of education and a minister of industry and trade for the Province of Quebec…

Simon Thibault
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Simon is drawing on the experience of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo to study the approaches taken by international implementers of media reform in…

Joël Thibert
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Joel Thibert holds a Master's degree in Urban Planning from McGill University and a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the Woodrow Wilson School at…

Erin Tolley
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Erin is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. Her PhD examined the relationship between race, the media and politics…

Jodi White
- Mentor 2010
- Alumni
Former President of the Public Policy Forum. Her leadership experience extends to journalism, politics, government, business and international…

Libe García Zarranz
- Scholar 2010
- Alumni
Full Professor in Cultural Theory and Literatures in English at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Norway.

Martine August
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Martine researches gentrification, affordable shelter, and other implications of recent approaches to replace public housing in Toronto

Isabella Bakker
- Fellow 2009
- Alumni
She is dedicated to enriching the lives of women around the world, her work demonstrating the role of women in the economy shows a persistent…

James Bartleman
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
Former Chancellor, Ontario College of Art and Design, and former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario; a champion of aboriginal youth and literacy programs.

Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Associate professor at McGill’s Faculty of Law and Institute for Health and Social Policy, and founder and lead convenor of McGill’s Disability…

Chuck Blyth
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
He was superintendent of Nahanni National Park Reserve, Northwest Territories, for over ten years. He is an accomplished northern artist, an…

Clare Bradford
- Fellow 2009
- Alumni
She is focused especially on representations of Indigenous peoples and cultures in children's texts.

Magaly Brodeur
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Magaly specializes in public policy analysis and management. Her main area of expertise is public health and primary care policy.

Kathryn Chan
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Kathryn is an Assistant Professor with the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria. She is also a doctoral candidate at the University of Oxford…

Isabelle Chouinard
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Isabelle is consulting with various healthcare professionals to develop a framework for a more ethical care.

Simon Collard-Wexler
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Simon is the First Secretary for Political Affairs at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in New York. He has worked with the…

Christopher Cox
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Christopher is providing support for Indigenous language education and revitalization efforts in schools and communities throughout the territory of…

Beverley Diamond
- Fellow 2009
- Alumni
An exceptional leader in conserving and promoting Aboriginal and Canadian traditional music and exploring contemporary media, she is recognized for…

Renée Dupuis
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
Independent member of the Senate of Canada and former chief commissioner of the Indian Claims Commission

Yvan Fellegi
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
Chief Statistician Emeritus, Statistics Canada; responsible for the organization being ranked best statistical office in the world by The Economist.

Peter Harder
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
Senior Policy Advisor, Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP, and former Deputy Minister (including Treasury Board, Industry and International Trade),…

Simon Harel
- Fellow 2009
- Alumni
Professor Harel explores ethnic and cultural diversity in our societies, with expertise in comparative literature & migration.

Misel Joe
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
Saquamaw and Administrative Chief, Mi’kmaq Grand Council; a spiritual leader in his community, committed to preserving the language, culture and…

Tamil Kendall
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Kendall is a specialist in gender and HIV in Latin America, having worked as a researcher and advocate in the region for more than a decade.

Jean-Michel Landry
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Jean-Michel explores the social history of the ideal of secularism in Lebanon, the exclusionary effects it sets out to combat, and those it sometimes…

Laura Madokoro
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Laura is an assistant professor in the Department of History and Classical Studies at McGill University.

Carolyn McAskie
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Policy and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, and former Assistant Secretary General for Peacebuilding,…

Anne McLellan
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
Counsel, Bennett Jones LLP, and former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Cabinet Minister; bridges both the public policy and the business worlds.

Alanis Obomsawin
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
Documentary filmmaker and member of the Abenaki Nation, she is dedicated to the well-being of her people and the preservation of First Nations…

Lindsey Richardson
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Lindsey is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of British Columbia.

Mark Lawrence Santiago
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Mark aims to contribute to improved policies towards an ethical and sustainable recruitment of Filipino health workers in Canada.

Jeremy Schmidt
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Jeremy is an associate professor of Human Geography at Durham University.

Nola-Kate Seymoar
- Mentor 2009
- Alumni
President and CEO, International Centre for Sustainable Cities; a proponent of urban, environmental and sustainability issues and planning.

Lisa Szabo-Jones
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
Lisa advocates the arts as an agent of environmental and social justice.

David Theodore
- Scholar 2009
- Alumni
David is an Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at McGill University.

Jeremy Webber
- Fellow 2009
- Alumni
He is a brilliant communicator who applies his international experience in constitutional law to Canadian reality and explains Canada to…

Dyane Adam
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
Dyane Adam has served as Founding President and Governor Emeritus of the Board of Governance of the Université de l’Ontario français (UOF), after…

Maria Banda
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Maria is practicing international law in Washington, DC.

Jonathan Beauchamp
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Mr. Beauchamp is an Economist for the International Monetary Fund. During his doctorate, Jonathan spent a semester at Princeton University working on…

Andrée Boisselle
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Andrée is an Assistant Professor with the Faculty of Law at York University and a doctoral candidate at the University of Victoria.

Julia Christensen
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Assistant Professor at Queen's University and Canada Research Chair in Northern Governance and Public Policy (2017-2022) Department of Geography…

François Crépeau
- Fellow 2008
- Alumni
François Crépeau, O.C., O.Q., F.R.S.C., Dr.h.c. Clermont-Auvergne, Trudeau Fellow 2008, Ad.E., is Full Professor of public international law, at the…

Robert Fowler
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
A foreign policy advisor to prime ministers Trudeau, Turner and Mulroney, Fowler was Canada’s longest-serving ambassador to the United Nations.

Lisa Freeman
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
She explores the impact of municipal regulation on the availability of safe and affordable housing in Toronto, especially for new Canadians.

Xavier Gravend-Tirole
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Xavier studies how a new interfaith framework could fruitfully address issues related to identity, relationships with others and religious pluralism.

Sylvia D. Hamilton
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
An award-winning filmmaker, writer and educator known for her documentaries exploring the history, contributions and experiences of African Canadians.

Shauna Labman
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Associate Professor, Human Rights at the Global College, University of Winnipeg

Janice MacKinnon
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
A former Minister of Finance, Minister of Social Services, Minister of Economic Development and Government House leader at the Government of…

Kathleen Mahoney
- Fellow 2008
- Alumni
She is a leader in human rights renowned for her work on the historic settlement agreement between the Government of Canada and Aboriginal…

Louise Mailhot
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
A former justice of the Court of Appeal of Quebec and retiring vice-president of the International Association of Judges, the Honourable Louise…

Mark Mattner
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Project Manager Resource Governance, German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), Monrovia, Liberia

Daina Mazutis
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Associate Professor of Strategy at the University of Ottawa

Larry Murray
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
He has held a number of senior positions in the Canadian Forces and Public Service, such as former Commander of the First Canadian Destroyer Squadron…

Alex Neve
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
He has been Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada since January 2000 and has previously practiced law in the areas of refugee and…

Alberto Vergara Paniagua
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Alberto is a Banting Post-doctoral Fellow at Harvard University.

Monica Patten
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
As President and Chief Executive Officer of Community Foundations of Canada, she serves as an advisor to many Canadian non-profit and philanthropic…

Nicholas Rivers
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa

John B. Robinson
- Fellow 2008
- Alumni
An expert in climate change mitigation, he is highly respected for his capacity to build bridges between academia, industry and NGOs.

Raymond A. Speaker
- Mentor 2008
- Alumni
A former Reform Party of Canada Finance Critic and House Leader, he is also a former Government of Alberta Cabinet Minister.

Irvin Studin
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
President of the Institute for 21st Century Questions, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine, Visiting Professor at the Université…

Rosemary Sullivan
- Fellow 2008
- Alumni
Rosemary Sullivan is an award-winning writer, biographer, journalist, activist, and expert on creative non-fiction and biographical studies.

William Tayeebwa
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Communication and Journalism, Makerere University, Uganda

Christopher Tenove
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Christopher is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia.

Guy Vanderhaeghe
- Fellow 2008
- Alumni
A cornerstone of the Canadian historic novel and a strong advocate for the status of the arts in Canada.

Jennifer Welsh
- Fellow 2008
- Alumni
Canada 150 Research Chair, Max Bell School of Public Policy and Department of Political Science, McGill University
Former director of the Pierre…

Lilia Yumagulova
- Scholar 2008
- Alumni
Lilia addresses the challenge of increasing communities’ ability to withstand natural disasters, with a special focus on marginalized urban…

Lloyd Axworthy
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
He is the former President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Winnipeg, formerly Director and CEO of the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the…

Alex Aylett
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Banting post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alex Aylett died of cancer on 23 July…

Ken Battle
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
He founded the Caledon Institute of Social Policy in 1992 to conduct research and analysis on poverty and public policy.

Monique Bégin
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
She is a former Federal Minister of Health and a current Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa. She has received 15 honorary doctorates for…

Sherri Brown
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California, San Francisco

William D. Coleman
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
He is the Canada Research Chair on Global Governance and Public Policy and Founding Director of the Institute on Globalization and the Human…

Elaine Craig
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Professor, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University

Lucas Crawford
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Lucas Crawford is Professor and Canada Research Chair of Transgender Creativity and Mental Health at the Augustana Faculty of the University of…

Elizabeth Davis
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
She is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and Labrador and she served as the first President and Chief Executive…

Jessica Dempsey
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia

Ursula Franklin
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
Professor Emerita at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Toronto and an activist for human rights and the…

Eric Helleiner
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
Eric Helleiner is a Professor and University Research Chair at the University of Waterloo. His latest books include The Status Quo Crisis: Global…

Sarah Kamal
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Former Program Officer, Scholarships (2007 Scholar)

Kristi Kenyon
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Kristi is assistant professor in the human rights program at the University of Winnipeg.

Huguette Labelle
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
The former chair of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Huguette Labelle was the chancellor of the University of Ottawa from 1994…

Joshua Lambier
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Joshua explores the genesis of modern human rights discourse by focusing on the Romantic era in literature.

Jennifer Langlais
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Jennifer is studying cultural diversity and equality

Myles Leslie
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Research Associate, School of Medicine, John Hopkins University

Leah Levac
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Guelph

Jason Morris-Jung
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Jason is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Instiute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

Emily Paddon
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Emily is the Rose Research Fellow in International Relations at the University of Oxford.

Geneviève Pagé
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Université du Québec en Outaouais

Kate Parizeau
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Guelph

Shana Poplack
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
She studies language as it is spoken, especially in bilingual and minority language contexts in Canada.

William E. Rees
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
William Rees coined the term “ecological footprint” in 1990, and was a Distinguished Professor in the School of Community and Regional Planning at…

Gordon Smith
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
Gordon Smith is the executive director of the Centre for Global Studies and an adjunct professor of political science at the University of Victoria…

Joseph Yvon Thériault
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
He is the founding Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Citizenship and Minorities at the University of Ottawa where he holds the…

Mike Ananny
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Mike is an Assistant Professor at USC's Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. He has worked or consulted with LEGO, Mattel and…

Constance Backhouse
- Fellow 2006
- Alumni
Prof. Backhouse is an internationally recognized voice in the areas of feminist research, sex discrimination, and the legal history of gender and…

Catherine Bélair
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
After a talented career in the arts and elite sports, Catherine decided to dedicate herself to the narratives, experiences and needs of others…

John Borrows
- Fellow 2006
- Alumni
John Borrows is a leading scholar in the field of indigenous legal traditions and aboriginal rights.

Christine Brabant
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Christine Brabant, PhD (Education), is a Full Professor in the Department of Administration and Foundations of Education in the Faculty of Education…

Caroline Caron
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Caroline is Professor in Communication at the Department of Social Sciences at Université du Québec en Outaouais.

Margaret Catley-Carlson
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
Margaret Catley-Carlson is involved in organizations that apply science and knowledge to national and international problems in freshwater governance…

May Chazan
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
May is Assistant Professor in Gender and Women's Studies at Trent University and Canada Research Chair in Feminist and Gender Studies.

Raymond Chrétien
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
A former ambassador of Canada to Washington, Raymond Chrétien is now a strategic advisor at Fasken, Martineau, DuMoulin.

David Morley, CM
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
David Morley, CM, is the president and CEO of UNICEF Canada, an author, a speaker and an activist for human rights and more particularly for children…

Rajdeep S. Gill
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Rajdeep is an interdisciplinary scholar, cultural theorist, curator, and educator.

Arthur John Hanson
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
His areas of specialized expertise include the oceans, biodiversity and sustainable development throughout Asia.

Lisa Helps
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Lisa is the mayor of Victoria, in British Columbia.

Kate Hennessy
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University

Frank Iacobucci
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
A retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, Frank Iacobucci has had a distinguished career in private practice, academia, government, and the…

Donald Johnston
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
Mr. Johnston held office as secretary-general of the OECD in the late 1990s, following a career as a lawyer and a politician who spent 10 years in…

Dawnis Kennedy
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Dawnis is attempting to answer the question of how Canadian and Anishinabe law can interact in a respectful manner.

Alexis Lapointe
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Alexis examines collective memory and how it pertains to democracy, and how it can be used to reconcile internal civil conflicts.

Jocelyn Létourneau
- Fellow 2006
- Alumni
He studies 20th-century Quebec and how its citizens came to define themselves.

Jason Luckerhoff
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Full Professor In Social Communication and Culture, and Director of the Journal Minorités Linguistiques et Société.

Gregory P. Marchildon
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
A renowned expert in health systems, he holds a Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Economic History and is a professor in the Graduate School…

Prateep Nayak
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Prateep is an Assistant Professor in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development at the University of Waterloo.

Barbara Neis
- Fellow 2006
- Alumni
She fights for marginalized groups in the fisheries, and in rural and remote communities.

Stephanie Nolen
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
Award-winning Canadian journalist and author

Taylor Owen
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Taylor is Beaverbrook Chair in Media, Ethics and Communications and Founding Director at the Center for Media, Technology and Democracy. He is also…

Meredith Schwartz
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Ryerson University

Samuel Spiegel
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Lecturer in International Development, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Pierre-Hugues Verdier
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Pierre-Hugues is a John A. Ewald Jr. Research Professor of Law at the University of Virginia

Sheila Watt-Cloutier
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
Former Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), she tackles the many issues indigenous peoples are facing today including environmental…

David R. Boyd
- Alumni
- Scholar 2005
He is an Adjunct Professor of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University and one of Canada’s leading environmental lawyers…

Marie-Joie Brady
- Alumni
- Scholar 2005
She is a Senior Policy Manager for the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and has completed her Ph.D. in political science and…

Kevin Chan
- Scholar 2005
- Alumni
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Toronto and pediatric emergency physician at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto

Astrid Christoffersen-Deb
- Scholar 2005
- Alumni
Anthropologist and Physician, Grand Challenges Canada

George Elliott Clarke
- Fellow 2005
- Alumni
Mr. Clarke specializes in African-Canadian and African-American history and culture.

Chava Finkler
- Alumni
- Scholar 2005
Post-doctoral Scholar at Memorial University

Aliette Frank
- Scholar 2005
- Alumni
Aliette is an author and an environmental educator. The nature of her research is communicating science about global change for community literacy.

Christian Girard
- Alumni
- Scholar 2005
Assistant Professor, Development and Urban Studies, Asian University for Women, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Paul Heinbecker
- Alumni
- Mentor 2005
He is the inaugural director of the Centre for Global Relations at Wilfrid Laurier University and a Distinguished Fellow at the independent Centre…

Jane Jenson
- Alumni
- Fellow 2005
She specializes in relations between Quebec and Canada, diversity, feminist studies and family policy.

Fiona Kelly
- Scholar 2005
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia

Will Kymlicka
- Fellow 2005
- Alumni
He is recognized as one of the world’s most influential philosophers, especially on the link between justice and diversity.

Margaret Lock
- Fellow 2005
- Alumni
Margaret Lock studies the relationships among culture, technology and the human body.

Irshad Manji
- Alumni
- Mentor 2005
A Canadian author, journalist and an advocate of a "reform and progressive" interpretation of Islam, she is the director of the Moral…

Elizabeth May
- Mentor 2005
- Alumni
An environmentalist, writer, activist and lawyer, she is now MP and Chief of the Green Party of Canada.

Amy Z. Mundorff
- Alumni
- Scholar 2005
Assistant professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee

Vincent Pouliot
- Alumni
- Scholar 2005
Associate Professor, Department of political science, McGill University

Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec
- Fellow 2005
- Alumni
He conducts public and experimental works in landscape invention and reinvention.

Morris Rosenberg
- Mentor 2005
- Alumni
2005 mentor, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation (2014 to 2018)

Diom Romeo Saganash
- Mentor 2005
- Alumni
Former Director of Quebec and International Relations for the Grand Council of the Crees, he sat as a Canadian Member of Parliament from 2011 to 2019…

Jeffrey Simpson
- Alumni
- Mentor 2005
A Canadian journalist and author, he has been the national affairs columnist for The Globe and Mail since 1984

Emma J. Stewart
- Scholar 2005
- Alumni
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Environment, Society and Design, Lincoln University, New Zealand

Sonali Thakkar
- Scholar 2005
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Chicago

Ken Wiwa
- Mentor 2005
- Alumni
One of the world's most influential human rights activists and authors, Ken Wiwa was a Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on Peace,…

Louise Arbour
- Mentor 2004
- Alumni
She recently completed her mandate as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and she is now the President & CEO of the International…

Jillian Boyd
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
She is Director of Education at the National Judicial Institute and she has been active in promoting the rights of marginalized groups through…

Ken Caine
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta

Ann Dale
- Fellow 2004
- Alumni
Ann Dale is leading major research initiatives in sustainability at Royal Roads University and around the world.

Colleen M. Davison
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Tenured Associate Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences
Cross Appointment - Department of Global Development Studies
Adjunct Associate…

Nora Doerr-MacEwen
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Senior Evaluator, Health Canada, Chemicals Strategies Division

Elizabeth Dowdeswell
- Mentor 2004
- Alumni
She is the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Previously, she was the President and CEO of the Council of Canadian Academies after being the Under…

L. Yves Fortier
- Mentor 2004
- Alumni
A lawyer, an international arbitrator and a former diplomat, he was Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations in New…

Margarida Garcia
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Full professor, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social Sciences, director of the Leadership Academy at the University of Ottawa.

Michael Harcourt
- Mentor 2004
- Alumni
He served as Premier of the province of British Columbia from 1991 to 1996, and before that as the mayor of Vancouver from 1980 to 1986.

Robert Huish
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, International Development Studies, Dalhousie University

Alenia Kysela
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
District Chief of Staff, Vice President Medicine for South West Nova Scotia District Health Authority

Patti LaBoucane-Benson
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Patti LaBoucane-Benson lifelong work has become an extended conversation about healing from historic trauma.

Roderick A. Macdonald
- Fellow 2004
- Alumni
He was one of the foremost Canadian specialists on secured transactions and property law in Canada, Mr. Macdonald died of cancer on 13 June 2014…

Judith Maxwell
- Mentor 2004
- Alumni
Former founding president of the Canadian Policy Research Networks, she is now a member of the Board of Governors of the Community Foundation of…

David Mendelsohn
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
David aims to identify the role played by socio-linguistic factors when discourse takes place between the Palestinians and Israelis

Rohinton Mistry
- Fellow 2004
- Alumni
He has enriched his readers' understanding of India, its society, cultures and politics, reflecting extensively on issues of human rights and…

Alain-Désiré Nimubona
- Director
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Alain-Désiré Nimubona is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Waterloo, and a Fellow at the Centre for…

Rebecca Pollock
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Environmental Resources Studies, University of Waterloo and Environmental Consultant for the UNESCO biosphere…

Karen Rideout
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Karen aims to assess how the current globalized food system affects food security in the North and South

Louis-Joseph Saucier
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Consultant, Nature Quebec and Green tip-mo-bile

Donald Savoie
- Fellow 2004
- Alumni
He has held senior positions with the Government of Canada, including Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Board.

Grégoire Webber
- Scholar 2004
- Alumni
Grégoire is legal affairs advisor to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Daniel Weinstock
- Fellow 2004
- Alumni
A world-renowned philosopher, Weinstock's work deals with democratic theory and the impact of the recognition of cultural identity on liberal…

Caroline Allard
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Author of Les Chroniques d’une mère indigne, which won the 2008 Grand prix littéraire Archambault, Caroline Allard is also a screenwriter and…

Anna-Liisa Aunio
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Sociology Professor, Dawson College

Jay Batongbacal
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of the Philippines

Pascale Fournier
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
2003 Scholar

Julie Gagné
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Julie is working on the traumatic colonial experience of Belgium and the Congo

Ginger Gibson
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
- Director
Founding Director of the Firelight Group

Danielle Juteau
- Fellow 2003
- Alumni
Danielle Juteau is a co-founder of the Université de Montréal's Centre for Ethnic Studies and a member of the editorial board of the journal…

D. Memee Lavell-Harvard
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Director of the First Peoples House of Learning at Trent University

Robert Leckey
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Robert Leckey, Ad. E., is a full professor at the Faculty of Law, where he teaches constitutional law and family law. He served as director of the…

David Ley
- Fellow 2003
- Alumni
Canada Research Chair in Geography at the University of British Columbia, his work focuses on immigrant poverty, housing and labour market…

James Milner
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Carleton University

Robert Nichols
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Robert is a Humboldt Faculty Research Fellow at the Department of Philosophy of the Humboldt University of Berlin until December 2015.

Anna Stanley
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Lecturer in Human Geography, National University of Ireland

Janice Gross Stein
- Fellow 2003
- Alumni
She is a pioneer in at least three fields of political science: negotiation theory, foreign policy decision-making and international conflict…

Sophie Thériault
- Scholar 2003
- Alumni
Full Professor and Vice-Dean (Academic) Faculty of Law (Civil Law Section), University of Ottawa
Alumni network executive member, Pierre Elliott…

James Tully
- Fellow 2003
- Alumni
Professor Tully is an expert in the field of contemporary political and legal theory and its history, and in Canadian political and legal philosophy.