Mike Ananny
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Mike is an Assistant Professor at USC's Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. He has worked or consulted with LEGO, Mattel and…

Constance Backhouse
- Fellow 2006
- Alumni
Prof. Backhouse is an internationally recognized voice in the areas of feminist research, sex discrimination, and the legal history of gender and…

Catherine Bélair
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
After a talented career in the arts and elite sports, Catherine decided to dedicate herself to the narratives, experiences and needs of others…

John Borrows
- Fellow 2006
- Alumni
John Borrows is a leading scholar in the field of indigenous legal traditions and aboriginal rights.

Christine Brabant
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Christine Brabant, PhD (Education), is a Full Professor in the Department of Administration and Foundations of Education in the Faculty of Education…

Caroline Caron
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Caroline is Professor in Communication at the Department of Social Sciences at Université du Québec en Outaouais.

Margaret Catley-Carlson
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
Margaret Catley-Carlson is involved in organizations that apply science and knowledge to national and international problems in freshwater governance…

May Chazan
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
May is Assistant Professor in Gender and Women's Studies at Trent University and Canada Research Chair in Feminist and Gender Studies.

Raymond Chrétien
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
A former ambassador of Canada to Washington, Raymond Chrétien is now a strategic advisor at Fasken, Martineau, DuMoulin.

David Morley, CM
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
David Morley, CM, is the president and CEO of UNICEF Canada, an author, a speaker and an activist for human rights and more particularly for children…

Rajdeep S. Gill
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Rajdeep is an interdisciplinary scholar, cultural theorist, curator, and educator.

Arthur John Hanson
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
His areas of specialized expertise include the oceans, biodiversity and sustainable development throughout Asia.

Lisa Helps
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Lisa is the mayor of Victoria, in British Columbia.

Kate Hennessy
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University

Frank Iacobucci
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
A retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, Frank Iacobucci has had a distinguished career in private practice, academia, government, and the…

Donald Johnston
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
Mr. Johnston held office as secretary-general of the OECD in the late 1990s, following a career as a lawyer and a politician who spent 10 years in…

Dawnis Kennedy
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Dawnis is attempting to answer the question of how Canadian and Anishinabe law can interact in a respectful manner.

Alexis Lapointe
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Alexis examines collective memory and how it pertains to democracy, and how it can be used to reconcile internal civil conflicts.

Jocelyn Létourneau
- Fellow 2006
- Alumni
He studies 20th-century Quebec and how its citizens came to define themselves.

Jason Luckerhoff
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Full Professor In Social Communication and Culture, and Director of the Journal Minorités Linguistiques et Société.

Gregory P. Marchildon
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
A renowned expert in health systems, he holds a Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Economic History and is a professor in the Graduate School…

Prateep Nayak
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Prateep is an Assistant Professor in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development at the University of Waterloo.

Barbara Neis
- Fellow 2006
- Alumni
She fights for marginalized groups in the fisheries, and in rural and remote communities.

Stephanie Nolen
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
Award-winning Canadian journalist and author

Taylor Owen
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Taylor is Beaverbrook Chair in Media, Ethics and Communications and Founding Director at the Center for Media, Technology and Democracy. He is also…

Meredith Schwartz
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Ryerson University

Samuel Spiegel
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Lecturer in International Development, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Pierre-Hugues Verdier
- Scholar 2006
- Alumni
Pierre-Hugues is a John A. Ewald Jr. Research Professor of Law at the University of Virginia

Sheila Watt-Cloutier
- Mentor 2006
- Alumni
Former Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), she tackles the many issues indigenous peoples are facing today including environmental…