Lloyd Axworthy
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
He is the former President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Winnipeg, formerly Director and CEO of the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the…

Alex Aylett
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Banting post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alex Aylett died of cancer on 23 July…

Ken Battle
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
He founded the Caledon Institute of Social Policy in 1992 to conduct research and analysis on poverty and public policy.

Monique Bégin
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
She is a former Federal Minister of Health and a current Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa. She has received 15 honorary doctorates for…

Sherri Brown
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California, San Francisco

William D. Coleman
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
He is the Canada Research Chair on Global Governance and Public Policy and Founding Director of the Institute on Globalization and the Human…

Elaine Craig
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Professor, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University

Lucas Crawford
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Lucas Crawford is Professor and Canada Research Chair of Transgender Creativity and Mental Health at the Augustana Faculty of the University of…

Elizabeth Davis
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
She is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and Labrador and she served as the first President and Chief Executive…

Jessica Dempsey
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia

Ursula Franklin
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
Professor Emerita at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Toronto and an activist for human rights and the…

Eric Helleiner
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
Eric Helleiner is a Professor and University Research Chair at the University of Waterloo. His latest books include The Status Quo Crisis: Global…

Sarah Kamal
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Former Program Officer, Scholarships (2007 Scholar)

Kristi Kenyon
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Kristi is assistant professor in the human rights program at the University of Winnipeg.

Huguette Labelle
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
The former chair of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Huguette Labelle was the chancellor of the University of Ottawa from 1994…

Joshua Lambier
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Joshua explores the genesis of modern human rights discourse by focusing on the Romantic era in literature.

Jennifer Langlais
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Jennifer is studying cultural diversity and equality

Myles Leslie
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Research Associate, School of Medicine, John Hopkins University

Leah Levac
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Guelph

Jason Morris-Jung
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Jason is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Instiute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

Emily Paddon
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Emily is the Rose Research Fellow in International Relations at the University of Oxford.

Geneviève Pagé
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Université du Québec en Outaouais

Kate Parizeau
- Scholar 2007
- Alumni
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Guelph

Shana Poplack
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
She studies language as it is spoken, especially in bilingual and minority language contexts in Canada.

William E. Rees
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
William Rees coined the term “ecological footprint” in 1990, and was a Distinguished Professor in the School of Community and Regional Planning at…

Gordon Smith
- Mentor 2007
- Alumni
Gordon Smith is the executive director of the Centre for Global Studies and an adjunct professor of political science at the University of Victoria…

Joseph Yvon Thériault
- Fellow 2007
- Alumni
He is the founding Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Citizenship and Minorities at the University of Ottawa where he holds the…