Aytak Akbari-Dibavar
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Aytak (international relations, York University) is investigating the intergenerational transmission of political trauma in authoritarian states,…

Adelle Blackett
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
Drawing on her scholarship on and advocacy for social justice, notably domestic and migrant workers' rights, Professor Adelle Blackett will…

Samuel Blouin
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Samuel Blouin (sociology and religious studies, Université de Montréal and Université de Lausanne): Drawing on field research, Samuel is analyzing…

Sébastien Brodeur-Girard
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Sébastien Brodeur-Girard,
Professor, School of Indigenous Studies at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT)

Heather Bullock
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Heather Bullock (health policy, McMaster University) is identifying the best ways to embed mental health policy into daily practice across the…

Christopher Campbell-Duruflé
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Christopher Campbell-Duruflé (international law, University of Toronto) analyzes how new rules of international law resulting from United Nations…

John A. Coleman
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Lawyer John A. Coleman is a forward-thinking leader with deep experience in strategic management, and labour relations at one of Canada's…

Deborah Cowen
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
Professor Deborah Cowen's research looks at how conflicts over infrastructures have come to define our political landscape. She rethinks…

Susan Delacourt
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
One of Canada's most respected political journalists and authors, Susan Delacourt has 30 years' expertise covering such subjects as the…

Marie-Ève Desroches
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Marie-Ève Desroches (urban studies, Institut national de la recherche scientifique) is investigating the factors that influence the adoption of…

Anna Dion
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Anna Dion (family medicine, McGill University) is seeking to improve the quality and access to maternity care for marginalized women in Canada,…

Elaine Feldman
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Over a fruitful career in the federal public service, Elaine Feldman developed extensive experience in trade negotiations, international trade law,…

Georgette Gagnon
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
International human rights lawyer and activist Georgette Gagnon has designed and implemented strategic initiatives on human rights, the rule of law,…

Michael Horgan
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
A former deputy minister of four departments of the Government of Canada, Michael Horgan provided strategic advice on a wide range of economic,…

Ido Katri
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Ido Katri (law, University of Toronto) is proposing an approach to promoting gender self-determination that accounts for the diversity of…

Gerard Kennedy
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Gerard Kennedy (law, York University) is exploring how Canadian civil procedure can be reformed to increase access to justice and improve relations…

Jean Lebel
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Jean Lebel is one of Canada's strongest voices on the interface between development and foreign policy and on innovation in global health and…

Louis LeBel
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Former Supreme Court of Canada judge Louis LeBel is known for an intellectual curiosity that goes beyond law to encompass economics, politics,…

Gillian McKay
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Gillian McKay (public health, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) is researching ways to provide safe maternal health services during…

Cynthia Morinville
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Cynthia Morinville (geography, University of Toronto) is exploring the lived experiences of informal workers in the global South who extract rare…

Antoine Pellerin
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Antoine Pellerin (law, Université Laval) is interested in the government's power to contract and is examining the conditions required for this…

Tony Penikett
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
Currently a mediator and negotiator, who, as a two-term premier in the Yukon, Tony Penikett negotiated settlements of Yukon First Nation land claims…

Catherine Potvin
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
An expert in tropical rainforest conservation and climate change, Professor Catherine Potvin's research seeks to foster cross-cultural learning…

Poonam Puri
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
Building on her expertise in corporate governance, Professor Poonam Puri's research will develop pragmatic policy and suggest legal solutions to…

Catriona Sandilands
- Fellow 2016
- Alumni
Professor Catriona Sandilands's project will develop a significant public conversation about climate change, environmental justice, and everyday…

John Stackhouse
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
An award-winning journalist and the former editor-in-chief of The Globe and Mail, John Stackhouse, now a senior vice-president of the Royal Bank of…

Jesse Thistle
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Jesse Thistle (history, York University) is studying the lives of Metis people living on road allowances -- makeshift communities built on Crown land…

Pauline Voon
- Scholar 2016
- Alumni
Pauline Voon (population and public health, University of British Columbia) is exploring how the link between pain management and addiction may…

Marie Wilson
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
After 35 years as an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, and pioneer of Northern Canada's first daily television news service, Marie Wilson…

Victor Young
- Mentor 2016
- Alumni
One of Eastern Canada's most respected businesspeople and philanthropists, Victor L. Young has held high-level positions in government and the…