Our themes are inclusive from all perspectives and often intertwined, encouraging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches. The Foundation’s work centres on the Humanities and Social Sciences but with a sizeable disciplinary understanding of possible connections and inputs.
Human rights dignity
Human Rights & Dignity
Human beings should be able to lead a life within a society that reflects their shared values and aspirations despite differences and inequalities. This ethical stance requires us to find new prospects for inclusion and participation to advance opportunities for all people and reduce the gaps between individuals and groups.

Pursuing and establishing civil, political, economic, and social rights preserves and promotes human dignity in all its aspects and dimensions. Human rights are not limited to legal issues but are directly related to social justice.

Scholar Research Projects

2022, Camille Lefebvre (Leiden University), Intégration du droit international en droit canadien : le recours à l’expulsion, à la détention et les effets sur la sécurisation des migrants

2024, Géraldine Manossa (UBC), Developing land-inclusive reconciliation processes with Indigenous communities

2024, Kate Mitchell (Toronto), Temporary outcasts: A comparison of the levers of prison reform in Canada and the United States

2024, Luka Stojanovic (Trent), From Silence to empowerment: restorying experiences of chronic pan among older adults in Ontario
Responsible Citizenship
Responsible Citizenship
The rights and obligations conferred by citizenship are not equitably distributed. Cultural, ethnic, religious, economic and technological divisions appear to be growing more robust, with an increasing loss of social cohesion.

The rights and obligations of citizenship have implications that vary at local, national and global levels; previous distinctions between private and public spheres of responsibility often blur in a global economic context. Democratic practices are being pushed and stretched, and we must find new ways of communication, mutual respect, and understanding to ensure tolerance and social responsibility.

Scholar Research Projects

2022, Tobias Gerhard Schminke (Dalhousie), Beating the big tent: cross-national perspectives on the fragmentation of democratic political party systems over time

2024, Zoe Savitsky (York), Freedom of expression, freedom of speech – and freedom to deceive? A critical legal history and contemporary Canadian-U.S. comparative analysis of deceptive corporate speech and expression
Canada and the world
Canada & the World
Canada’s long tradition of responsible engagement in international affairs has become an essential and integral part of our identity. Canada’s public international role has changed significantly in recent years. We need to rethink foreign policy and reflect on the opportunities and challenges of our role in the future.

Canada’s exceptional expertise should allow us to act as a world leader in several key areas, such as environmental protection and cooperation between nations.

Scholar Research Projects

2022, Prince Ekoh (Calgary), Social Network and support experiences of older African Refugees in Calgary: A Graphic Visual Inquiry

2022, Vena Joseph (Université de Montréal), Analysing the coordination of global health efforts in Haiti: a study of applying the complex adaptive systems governance framework in rural areas of Haiti

2022, Roojin Habibi (York), Pioneering universal legal principles for the protection of human dignity and solidarity amid global health emergencies
People and their natural environment
People and their natural environment
Environmental issues are widespread. Competition for food, water, clean air, and natural resources leads to conflict between people and governments.

Beyond environmental protection and conservation measures, research into new ecological measures and human adaptation may present opportunities to reduce the risk of confrontation between different sectors of society or other countries.

Other issues related to this theme are questions linked to freshwater resources, the restoration of high-priority ecological regions, the build-up of toxic chemicals in people and ecosystems, transportation strategies, «green» technological innovations and climate change.

Scholar Research Projects

2024, Catherine Savard (Oxford), The House is burning: the emerging prohibition of Ecocide in international and national law

2024, Paloma Castonguay-Rufino (Université de Montréal), La réutilisation architectural en tant qu’action climatique : vers un cadre comparatif pour la reconnaissance des valeurs des vestiges industriels urbains au Canada