Alexandra Mogyoros
Alexandra Mogyoros is a lawyer and scholar. Her research is driven by her passion for exploring how private law can empower individuals to be responsible global citizens. Her research focuses on issues that arise at the intersection of intellectual property law, technology, social justice, and private law. She is currently a doctoral student at the University of Oxford where she studies as a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellow. She holds degrees from the University of Oxford (BCL), University of Ottawa (JD), and the University of Guelph (BAS).
Alex has researched at a range of institutions around the world, such as the University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, University of Edinburgh, and the University of Cape Town. Her work has been published in several top legal and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journals, as well as in blogs and newsletters. She has presented her research at several conferences for academic, policy, and general public audiences.
Her research agenda is informed by an appreciation for how law operates in practice. In 2016-2017, she served as a law clerk to Justice Thomas Cromwell and Justice Malcolm Rowe at the Supreme Court of Canada. She has also been involved with public interest litigation and research, having worked in class action litigation and with organizations such as Bet Tzedek Legal Services and Oxford Pro Bono Publico.