Alexis Lapointe
Alexis is completing a Ph.D. in philosophy at the Université de Montréal and the Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre - La Défense while pursuing in medical school (M.D. program) at the same university. His research in political philosophy focused on memory policies, the public use of history and commemorations in contemporary societies. In terms of medicine, he is interested in neurodegenerative disorders and the ethical issues surrounding aging. Alexis has also worked on the history of modern political thought and the epistemology of the social sciences. He and Christian Nadeau co-directed the publication of La Philosophie de l'histoire. Hommages offerts à Maurice Lagueux (Ste-Foy, PUL, 2007).
Experience as a Trudeau Scholar
My experience as a Trudeau Scholar was intense, both academically and personally. The community of scholars, fellows and mentors is extremely dynamic, diverse and deeply committed to examining current social, political and environmental problems. I came away from every meeting filled with new ideas, increased enthusiasm and an ever-stronger conviction that, far from being innocuous nothings, ideas are a powerful and necessary means for social transformation. I am very grateful to the Trudeau Foundation staff for their unconditional support throughout my doctoral years.