Andrew Kaufman
Andrew is a doctoral student in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. His research surveys how the sovereign bond market is made, how emerging and frontier markets enhance the ability of markets to clear, and how distressed debt securities function as new avenues for investment. Andrew also maintains an active interest in housing policy and market analysis.
For six years, Andrew worked with the Institute of Urban Studies in Winnipeg to explore how economic systems connect people and cities. He assisted national research projects on homelessness, income inequality, and precarious housing. He spent four years evaluating a Housing First approach to helping people transition from streets to homes. Following this, Andrew co-edited a book titled The Divided Prairie City as part of a larger national investigation on increasing income inequality. He has contributed to numerous reports about urban development, housing policy, urban economics, and sustainable transportation. More recently, Andrew has been working with Dr Alan Walks to examine the extent of financial profit-making activities for Canadian firms. Committed to public scholarship, Andrew uses his research to reframe public debates through policy briefs, media interviews, public lectures, and by publishing opinion pieces with major newspapers.
Previously, Andrew developed an expertise in the economic implications of international development policy while earning a BA from the University of Winnipeg. After several years of professional experience, Andrew returned to academia to receive an MA in Geography from the University of Manitoba. In addition to his academic work, Andrew is a grant-writing consultant, mentor, and is dedicated to community service.