Anita Lazurko
Anita Lazurko is completing a PhD in Social and Ecological Sustainability at the University of Waterloo. Her research explores transformation pathways in river basins attempting to build adaptivity and/or resilience to uncertain climatic and socio-economic futures. After her B.Sc. in Civil Engineering at the University of Calgary, Anita completed a joint Erasmus Mundus MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management at the Central European University (Hungary), Lund University (Sweden), and the University of the Aegean (Greece). She has worked in Sri Lanka, Canada, the Netherlands and across southern Africa on various topics including transboundary strategic planning, decision making under deep uncertainty, and natural infrastructure for climate adaptation. Anita served on the Board of Directors of Engineers Without Borders Canada and was on the Young Scientific Programme Committee for World Water Week in 2018. In 2019, she received the Donella Meadows Fellowship, an award for young rising stars in sustainability.