Anna Stanley
Prior to coming to NUI Galway, Anna Stanley was a post-doctoral Fellow in the Geography Department at the University of Laval in Quebec City, and Visiting Scholar in Science and Technology Studies at York University in Toronto. Her research has examined colonial geographies of resource management in Canada, the political economy of the nuclear fuel chain, as well as First Nations' experiences of the nuclear industry, and touches on themes related to imperialism, radicalization, and environmental justice. Her current work focuses on the political economy of knowledge production about the effects of nuclear development and radiation, Aboriginal geographies of the nuclear fuel chain, and uranium oral histories. Anna has worked with a number of First Nations and First Nation advocacy organizations as a policy analyst and on issues related to experiences of nuclear industries. She received her doctorate in geography from the University of Guelph in August 2006 where she has also taught courses in environmental impact and contemporary theory. She was a Trudeau Scholar between 2003 and 2007. Until recently she was an editor of Women and Environments International Magazine.