Denise Bombardier
A native of Montréal, Denise Bombardier is a journalist, a writer, and a well-known personality throughout the French-speaking world. She has contributed to political and cultural programs on Canadian television and radio for thirty-five years. After twelve years as an op-ed columnist for Le Devoir and seven years as a regular commentator for the evening news on TVA, she is now a columnist for the Journal de Montréal and the arts commentator on Radio-Canada's weekly radio programme Culture Club.
Ms. Bombardier has published more than twenty essays and novels in France, among them Une enfance à l'eau bénite (Seuil), Lettre ouverte aux Français qui se croient le nombril du monde (Albin Michel), L'énigmatique Céline Dion (Éditions XO), and L'Anglais (Robert Laffont). She holds a master's degree in political science from the University of Montreal and a doctorate in sociology from the University of Paris 2. She is a Knight of the National Order of Quebec, an Officer of the French Legion of Honour and a Member of the Order of Canada.
Denise Bombardier passed away in July 2023.