Émilie Raymond
Émilie Raymond is a community organizer and anthropologist. She is an assistant professor in the School of social work at Université Laval. Émilie’s doctoral work focused on the intersection of social policies, social movements and individual experiences related to social and citizen participation. She buildt participatory approaches to research and grounding her work in a critical practice of social science. She is active in the disabled persons movement and involved in the school her children attend. Émilie studied at several universities (McGill University, Universidad de Chile, and Université Laval) and explored a number of geographic, thematic, and theoretical landscapes. She received scholarships from the Trudeau Foundation, the Fonds québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture, and the Tomlinson Foundation.
Experience as a Trudeau Scholar
Receiving the Trudeau scholarship changed the trajectory of my doctorate. I enjoyed three years of absolute freedom during which I could listen to my theoretical intuitions, explore new epistemological avenues, and develop a participatory action research study that reflected the needs of the subjects involved. I was able to make daring, independent decisions that generated a dissertation which was anchored in my skills and convictions and respectful of my commitments to citizen participation. This research process was echoed in a variety of journeys, some to take part in scientific events rich in learning and collaboration, and some to contribute to the fertile life of the Trudeau community. I see this experience as a springboard that both allowed me to fulfil my full potential as a researcher and prepared me for the multiple facets of university professorship.