Jeremy Schmidt
Jeremy Schmidt is an associate professor of Human Geography at Durham University. His research focuses on the social aspects of land, water, and energy, and he sets these concerns amid the growing impact humans are having on the Earth system. He received his PhD in Geography from the University of Western Ontario. After that, he held a SSHRC post-doctoral scholarship at Harvard University (Social Anthropology) and a Banting post-doctoral award at Dalhousie University (Sociology and Social Anthropology). In 2015, he was award a SSHRC Impact Award (Talent Category). He is the author of Water: Abundance, Scarcity, and Security in the Age of Humanity (2017) and co-editor of Water ethics: foundational readings for students and professionals (Island Press, 2010). His next major monograph draws together 15 years of research on water, land, and energy in Alberta to examine the intersections of empire and dispossession that must be confronted for it to honor Treaty obligations that cover the entire province. His website is: http://www.jeremyjschmidt.com/