Joseph MacInnis
As a specialist in diving medicine, Dr. MacInnis helped develop some of the systems and techniques that allow humans to function safely deep within the sea. He’s worked on undersea science and engineering projects with the US Navy, the Canadian government and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Supported by the Canadian government, he led ten research expeditions under the ice of the Arctic Ocean. The first person to explore the ocean beneath the North Pole, he was among the first to dive to the Titanic. He’s spent six thousand hours working inside the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Recently, he was the medical advisor and journalist on the James Cameron National-Geographic seven-mile science dive into the Mariana Trench.
Dr. MacInnis currently examines and writes about leadership and team genius in lethal environments. He’s produced two leadership training videos for the Canadian military. His latest book, Deep Leadership: Essential Insights from High-Risk Environments, was published by Random House. He has written and hosted radio, television and giant-screen stories for CBC, CBS, Imax Corporation, National Geographic and the Discovery Channel.
Dr. MacInnis gives leadership and team genius presentations in North America and Europe. His audiences have included Microsoft, IBM, National Geographic, Rolex, Visa and the U.S. Naval Academy. His work has earned him numerous distinctions including six honorary doctorates and the Order of Canada.