Mohammad Karamouzian
Mohammad Karamouzian is an infectious disease epidemiologist who is working with the National Committee on COVID-19 in Iran. He is also involved in several evidence synthesis projects about COVID-19 to help inform public health planning and decision-making. Karamouzian is a member of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation’s COVID-19 Impact Committee.
Mohammad Karamouzian is a doctoral student in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia, a researcher at the BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU), and a research associate at the WHO Collaborating Centre for HIV Surveillance (HIVHUB) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Through his doctoral research, he seeks to address research gaps in characterizing early injecting careers with a focus on the factors that shape initiation, early cessation, and sustained injecting practices. His research at BCCSU and BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) also include the evaluation of public health interventions such as drug checking and Take-home naloxone in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mohammad Karamouzian's global health research focuses on health promotion among marginalized populations such as female sex workers, people who inject drugs, and prisoners. His international health and development contributions include research and policy development as well as capacity building workshops for several countries in the MENA region. Through his work with the Global Network of Researchers on HIV/AIDS in MENA and HIVHUB, he facilitates scientific exchange and collaborative research projects among HIV researchers in the MENA region.
He is committed to translating his research into policy that will improve the health of marginalized populations. He has authored/co-authored over 55 peer-reviewed publications in leading international peer-reviewed journals including The Lancet, Journal of International AIDS Society (JIAS), and International Journal of Drug policy and participated in numerous conference presentations including two invited presentations in the AIDS 2016 and International Harm Reduction Conference in 2017. He has also been a co-investigator on more than 20 nationally and internationally funded projects focusing on vulnerable populations. Mohammad Karamouzian is an Associate Editor of BMC Health Services Research and has served as a reviewer for several leading international journals (e.g., BMJ Open, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, JIAS, PLOS ONE, Public Health, and Systematic Reviews), and conferences (e.g., AIDS 2016, IAS 2017, AIDS 2018). Mohammad has won over 15 awards and scholarships for his research, leadership, and academic achievements, including the Vanier Doctoral Scholarship, UBC's International Doctoral Fellowship, and UBC's Four Year Doctoral Fellowship.