Roojin Habibi
Roojin Habibi is an international lawyer and doctoral researcher working at the intersection of law, human rights and global health. She is lead coordinator of the Global Health Law Consortium, and a Fellow of the Global Strategy Lab and Canadian International Council.
As a legal scholar, the overarching aim of her research is to better understand how transnational institutions, norms and actors influence global health justice, and how they can be reimagined to promote it. Her doctoral dissertation at Osgoode Hall Law School (York University) examines the contribution of epistemic communities to the progressive development of international law governing global health emergencies.
Having worked for government, nongovernmental and international organizations, Roojin is dedicated to research and advocacy in the service of promoting health justice, contributing to public debate and achieving policy impact. Her commitment to engaged scholarship as well as creative and impact-oriented approaches to knowledge production and mobilization set her on her leadership path with the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and she looks forward to the lifelong exchange of ideas, learning and inspiration with the Foundation’s vibrant community of mentors, fellows, scholars and alumni.
Roojin holds a J.D. in French Common Law (University of Ottawa), a Master’s of Science in Global Health (McMaster University) and a certificate in Transnational Law (University of Geneva). On her spare time, she fosters rescue dogs in Toronto, and helps to promote obstetric justice in Canada as a founding board member of the Birth Rights Bar Association. She is fluent in English, French and Farsi.