Rosalind Raddatz
Rosalind Raddatz is a 2010 Trudeau scholar and she obtained her PhD from the School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa. Her dissertation documented the lures that induced belligerents in the civil wars of Sierra Leone and Liberia to participate in peace talks, assessed the negotiating tactics used by various participants, and determined the turning points in the talks that ultimately led to signed, enforced, and maintained peace settlements. Rosalind’s other research interests include institutional accountability, power-sharing, mass violence/genocide, post-conflict gender issues and mental health, refugees and displacement, civil society impact on peace and conflict, and applied and biomedical ethics. She completed a bachelor’s degree in political science and philosophy and a master’s degree in philosophy at Concordia University in Montréal. Prior to her doctoral research, Rosalind worked as a documentary filmmaker, a writer, a teacher and a photographer. She is an avid art collector and is active in several non-profit endeavours, among other things as chair of the Board of Directors of Heshima Kenya. Rosalind lives, works, and trains horses in Nairobi, Kenya.