Sujit Choudhry
Sujit Choudhry is the dean of the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, and the Cecelia Goetz Professor of Law at the New York University School of Law. He holds law degrees from Oxford, Toronto, and Harvard, was a Rhodes Scholar, and served as Law Clerk to Chief Justice Antonio Lamer of the Supreme Court of Canada. Professor Choudhry is one of Canada's leading constitutional scholars, and an internationally recognized authority on comparative constitutional law. He has published over 60 articles, book chapters, and reports. Professor Choudhry is the editor of Constitutional Design for Divided Societies: Integration or Accommodation (Oxford University Press), The Migration of Constitutional Ideas (Cambridge University Press) and Dilemmas of Solidarity: Rethinking Redistribution in the Canadian Federation (University of Toronto Press), sits on the Board of Editors of the International Journal of Constitutional Law, is a member of the Editorial Board of the Constitutional Court Review and is on the Board of Advisers for the Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law. Professor Choudhry is extensively involved in public policy development. He was a consultant to the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (the Romanow Commission) and the National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health (the Naylor Committee), the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank Institute at the World Bank, and as a foreign constitutional expert has been on mission to Sri Lanka (with the Forum of Federations) and Nepal (with the Canadian Bar Association). Professor Choudhry served on the Academic Advisory Committee to the Province of Ontario's Democratic Renewal Secretariat, and was a consultant to the Ontario Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform. He was a member of the Governing Toronto Advisory Panel which proposed major reforms to the structure of municipal government in Toronto. He appeared as counsel in Charkaoui (security certificate) and Khadr 1 and Khadr 2 (Guantanamo detainees).