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Profile picture for user timothy.caulfield

Timothy Caulfield

  • Fellow 2013
  • Alumni
This unrivalled communicator is debunking myths and assumptions about innovation in the health sector -- from research on stem cells to diets to…
covid committee

COVID-19 Impact Committee

Leadership and guidance are critical in a time of crisis, even more so in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic as it touches so many aspects of lives in such profound ways. The pandemic has indeed created an urgent need for informed public discussions that can guide citizens’ understanding of current developments and help guide responses to the crisis in various sectors.
This is the driving force behind the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation COVID-19 Impact Committee: to engage and educate the public on the implications of the pandemic in light of our four founding themes.
Leonard Cohen Quote


Kind wishes to each of you, as we all continue to live and experience the first-hand effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in our daily lives. More than ever, this is a time to remember and offer support to all those who are experiencing the most dire aspects of this situation, be it someone who has fallen ill, is struggling to care for someone who is, and for everyone who seeks ways to navigate daily life which has recently become unfamiliar in so many ways.

An autumn at high speed!

Here we are already with our last newsletter for this year of great achievements. The past few months have flown by so quickly that we have barely had time to stop and share these achievements with you. Our program, events, communications, special projects, outreach, and philanthropy teams have been busy with contagious enthusiasm and creativity!
Newsletter - Infolettre

Newsletter - February 2022

The challenging year we have just come through and the pandemic that persists across the world for close to two years now have once again driven home the importance of learning how to live together and finding solutions to society’s major challenges.