Edward Johnson, Dyane Adam Named New Chair, Vice-Chair of Foundation’s Board of Directors

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is proud to announce the appointments of Edward Johnson as Chair of the Board of Directors and Dyane Adam as Vice-chair of the Board. 


Mr. Johnson's mandate begins on March 1, 2021. He succeeds Patrick Pichette, who has served as Chair for more than two years, during which time he successfully guided the Foundation through the development and implementation of its Strategic Plan 2019-2024.


"We all know that Board renewal is critical to good governance. Having now served the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation for nearly 20 years, and having led as Chair of the Board over the last few years, it is now time for the next generation of leaders take the helm. In this context, it is an honour for me to pass the torch to Ted Johnson, a founding Member and (yes!) a confidante of M. P.E. Trudeau. Ted reflects the best of the organization and its namesake: bilingual, experienced, visionary, and empathetic. He embodies a deep commitment to making Canada, and the world, better. A former captain of industry and newly appointed Officer of the Order of Canada, Ted brings incredible knowledge, dedication, and experience to lead the Foundation's through its next chapter of growth and innovation," Patrick Pichette said. 


As a founding Member of the Foundation and as the outgoing Vice-chair of the Board, Edward Johnson possesses a profound understanding of the Foundation's mission and work, which positions him well to continue offering valuable insight, advice, and continuity to the organization's leadership. 


Mr. Johnson's distinguished career has spanned the fields of government, law, and business. He served as Executive Assistant to the Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau from 1980 until Mr. Trudeau's retirement from public office in 1984, when he returned to the practice of law with Lang, Michener in Toronto. Mr. Johnson subsequently joined Power Corporation of Canada as Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary. 


In 2020, Mr. Johnson was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada for his "role in one of the country's largest financial groups and for his sound governance in the field of education." 


Through his commitment to Canada's civil society and the natural environment, Mr. Johnson has served in a range of volunteer roles including as Chair of the Board of the National Theatre School of Canada, Director of the Atlantic Salmon Federation and Fellow and Vice President of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. He is also a Fellow of the British Royal Geographical Society. 


"From a standing start some twenty years ago, the Foundation has built an outstanding program for advanced scholarship and effective leadership development. Having had the privilege of participating with many fine people in its evolution, I'm honoured to be called upon to chair the Board. My predecessors set a high bar; with our very effective management team and strong Board we will endeavour to build on the achievements of the past two decades. Now more than ever, Canada and the world need strong, impactful and engaged leaders who nurture smart and responsible citizenship," Edward Johnson said. 


Appointed as a Director of the Board in May 2020, Dr. Dyane Adam will succeed Mr. Johnson as Vice-chair of the Board, joining Bruce McNiven who also serves as Vice-chair and Treasurer. 


A renowned scholar and university administrator, Dr. Adam's career has been characterized by her dedication to the advancement of French- language minority rights, the status of women, health, and education. After being named Principal of York University's Glendon College in 1994, Dr. Adam became the first woman and Franco-Ontarian to serve as Canada's Commissioner of Official Languages. She was also the Founding President of the Board of Governance of the Université de l'Ontario français (UOF). 


A 2008 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Mentor, Dr. Dyane Adam was invested as a Member of the Order of Canada in 2013 for her contribution to strengthening Canada's social fabric.


She holds a masters and doctorate degrees in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, and received honorary doctorates from McGill University, University of Ottawa, Université de Moncton, Saint Paul University, Laurentian University and Collège Boréal. 


Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation President and CEO, Dr. Pascale Fournier, offered sincere thanks to outgoing Chair Patrick Pichette for his leadership and invaluable contributions during his term. The Foundation looks forward to the guidance and support Mr. Johnson and Dr. Adam will ably provide in their new respective roles, as the Foundation continues to strive for new horizons on its mission to support the development of leading doctoral researchers as Engaged Leaders who bring meaningful impact and positive change to their communities and institutions.

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Edward Johnson

  • Member
Edward Johnson, Chair Emeritus and a Founding Member of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, has served as a Director since November 2011 and as…
Profile picture for user dyane.adam

Dyane Adam

  • Mentor 2008
  • Alumni
Dyane Adam has served as Founding President and Governor Emeritus of the Board of Governance of the Université de l’Ontario français (UOF), after…