Meet the 2018 scholars
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation appoints fifteen doctoral scholars across the country
Outstanding students in the social sciences and humanities see their careers taking off.
Montréal, QC, 21 June 2018 – The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is proud to present the 2018 recipients of its unique doctoral scholarship in the social sciences and humanities. From British Columbia to Quebec, reaching to the United States and the United Kingdom, the fifteen newly-appointed scholars are exceptional students who have distinguished themselves through academic excellence and civic engagement. Focusing on important questions for Canada and the world, they are researching areas as diverse as literature, environmental sciences, urban planning, archeology, public health, communications, public health, education, political science, and law. The cohort joins a multidisciplinary network of over 400 researchers, outstanding intellectuals, and seasoned decision-makers committed to applying their knowledge and skills to pressing Canadian and global issues.
The 2018 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation scholars are:
Fahad Ahmad (public policy, Carleton University) examines how counter-radicalization policies affect nonprofit and community organizations serving Muslim communities in Canada and the United Kingdom. |
Billy-Ray Belcourt (English, University of Alberta) looks at his personal history and the works of contemporary Indigenous artists and writers to explore the theoretically significant ways that Indigenous peoples enact care in Canada. |
Nathaniel Brunt (communication and culture, Ryerson University) studies how well stories and photos of the conflict in the Kashmir Valley capture the many facets of the difficult reality on the ground. |
Spencer Greening (archaeology, Simon Fraser University) is investigating how using Indigenous knowledge and languages in land stewardship can lead to more sustainable environmental management practices in Canada. |
Mohammad Karamouzian (population and public health, University of British Columbia) seeks to determine how individual and structural factors – from childhood traumas to homelessness – shape injection drug use among youth. |
Andrew Kaufman (human geography, University of Toronto) researches financial firms that invest in other countries’ debt. He is interested in how capital moves around the world and affects the development of cities like Toronto and New York. |
Marie-Soleil L’Allier (environmental science, Université du Québec à Montréal) is studying how self-organization and self-management practices such as local currencies and community gardens could inspire new ideas for leading the world onto a more sustainable path. |
Diala Lteif (urban planning, University of Toronto) investigates how, in making Beirut their home, refugees and internally displaced populations in Lebanon have appropriated concepts of migration and citizenship. |
Jayne Malenfant (education, McGill University) analyzes the barriers faced by precariously housed youth at school and in the labour market to promote innovative and equitable participation in the future global economy. |
Alexandra Mogyoros (law, University of Oxford) proposes to explore how trademarks can be used to give consumers robust and verifiable information and build an accountable and transparent market. |
Grace Nosek (law, University of British Columbia) researches legal tools to prevent corporations from deliberately undermining scientific evidence that threatens their profits, thus mitigating the harm that comes from manufactured doubt. |
William Schultz (sociology, University of Alberta) conducts research in Canadian jails, interviewing prisoners and staff about how fentanyl and major security concerns impact everyday life experiences in the prison setting. |
Bernard Soubry (geography and environment, University of Oxford) documents how climate change affects the Maritime provinces’ food system and how resilience and adaptation might emerge from the input of farmers, agricultural workers, governance organizations, and other actors. |
Phoebe Stephens (environment and resource studies, University of Waterloo) looks into the transformative potential of financial markets to stimulate and support more sustainable, alternative food systems. |
To better understand how methodologies and cultural norms affect climate policy making, Leehi Yona (environment and resources, Stanford University) investigates how policymakers synthesize scientific evidence into international and regional measures. |
About the Foundation scholarships
Over their three-year doctoral scholarship, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation scholars work with an engaged and inspiring community of fellows, mentors, and other scholars who support their professional growth. Scholars’ $60,000 annual scholarship package includes up to $20,000 annual travel and networking allowance that facilitates scholars’ fieldwork and helps them organize and participate in research initiatives, conferences, and Foundation events. Since the program’s inception in 2003, the Foundation has awarded 232 scholarships for an investment of nearly $24 million in Canada’s intellectual leadership. The call for applications for the 2019 scholarship competition will open in the fall of 2018.
About the Foundation
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is an independent and nonpartisan charity established in 2001 as a living memorial to the former prime minister by his family, friends, and colleagues. In 2002, with the support of the House of Commons, the Government of Canada endowed the Foundation with the Advanced Research in the Humanities and Human Sciences Fund. The Foundation also benefits from private donations. By granting doctoral scholarships, awarding fellowships, appointing mentors, and holding public events, the Foundation encourages critical reflection and action in four areas important to Canadians: human rights and dignity, responsible citizenship, Canada’s role in the world, and people and their natural environment.
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