Newsletter - February 2022
Wishes for the New Year
The challenging year we have just come through and the pandemic that persists across the world for close to two years now have once again driven home the importance of learning how to live together and finding solutions to society’s major challenges.
We asked four of our Scholars to express and share their “2022 Wishes for our Planet and for All” on the Four Themes of the Foundation: Human Rights and Dignity, Responsible Citizenship, Canada and the World, and People and their Natural Environment. In case you missed it on our social media channels, here are their wishes for our planet and our communities!

Human Rights and Dignity
"We will grow old, acquire chronic diseases and become immunocompromised. I wish for us all to remember this; treat the elderly with the respect and dignity we hope to receive as each day brings us closer to becoming the aged."
- Jasmine Mah, 2021 Scholar

Responsible Citizenship
"To embrace citizenship is to be part of something bigger than ourselves, and to feel that the fate of our fellow citizens is intimately linked to our own. The pandemic has worn us down and stripped us of our relationships with others. It has also made us realize that it is through social interactions that our lives have meaning. As the challenges of the 21st century become more tangible with each passing day, my wish for the future is that, despite the trials and tribulations, we keep in mind that it is through our communities that we can flourish. Responsible citizenship is about valuing and feeling that bond that unites us despite our differences, and ensuring that it guides our actions. Making this ideal a reality is no small task. I wish us to find the ability to listen, the willingness to engage, and the sensitivity that will allow us to bring this to life."
- Raphaël Grenier-Benoît, 2021 Scholar

Canada and the World
"During these challenging times when the intellectual climate on many university campuses in North America is being constrained and some faculty and students refrain from expressing their candid opinions and choose self-censorship, I wish we recognize and openly speak up about these challenges to academic freedom. I wish more of us, especially those in academia, are more vehemently committed to viewpoint diversity and constructive disagreement. The university faculty is in a unique position to help prepare students for engaged, thoughtful, and responsible citizenship as independent thinkers. We should not be afraid to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable, and our graduates will be better prepared for the rigours of citizenship in a diverse society. I wish more of us are guided by the words of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The simple act of an ordinary brave man is not to participate in lies, not to support false actions!"
- Alexandra Lysova, 2011 Scholar

People and their Natural Environment
"Looking forward to 2022, I want us to show the same determination to act on the climate emergency that the one we have shown against COVID-19. We fought the pandemic by making science-based decisions, and we must continue to do the same for the protection of our climate, of our biodiversity and for the energy transition. Because taking care of the environment is taking care of us."
- Stéphanie Roy, 2017 Scholar
The 2022-2025 Scientific Cycle: Global Economies
Scientific cycles are developed under the guidance of the Foundation's Strategic Advisory Committee, comprised of academic Directors and Members, and chaired by Thomas Axworthy, Member of the Foundation. Each cycle focuses on an interdisciplinary theme that reflects an issue or set of issues of importance to the future of Canada and the world.

Today, the Foundation is pleased to launch its latest framework paper on Global Economies for the 2022-2025 Scientific Cycle. Learn more by clicking here to read the framework paper.
The 2022-2025 Scientific Cycle embarks on the theme of Global Economies at a crucial time in history to engage emerging leaders in one of the important topics of our past and present. The notion of free trade came to dominate international economic relations in the 20th century, although economic interdependence and interconnectedness transcend the history of civilizations with centuries of trade routes established along the Atlantic, the Silk Road and the Mediterranean. The past two decades have also witnessed an exciting rise of the Digital Economy, creating new forms of on-demand work, health and education technology, and immersive experiences in areas of communication, arts and culture.
Globalization has contributed to an unprecedented flow of capital, trade, investment, people and ideas across borders. At the same time, the merits of our globalized economy and new digitalized platforms are mired by overly monopolistic practices to compete for resources, an emerging surveillance society, as well as devastating human rights abuses, environmental harms, and disparities between populations and countries. Recent national and international efforts to better regulate multinational foreign investment practices are promising, however, new challenges arise in coordinating efforts with economic power shifts towards states with authoritarian regimes, increasing populist movements in the West, and protectionist measures implemented within several nations. The vulnerability of an integrated global economy has also been exposed through the Covid-19 pandemic’s ripple effects and disruption of global supply chains, plunging us into a worldwide health and socio-economic crisis. It is within this compelling context that we propose the Foundation’s 2022-2025 Engaged Leadership Program, which aims to leverage Scholars’ creativity, collaboration, and environmental consciousness to foster civic and community engagement, and encourage knowledge-sharing across a diversity of perspectives for more inclusive and innovative outcomes.
It is within this unprecedented framework that we propose the theme, Global Economies.
Global Economies was collaboratively developed by the Foundation team working with the Members and Directors serving on the Strategic Advisory Committee, as well as with Scholars, Fellows and Mentors of the Foundation whose expertise on the theme is recognized. Our Alumni
represented a plurality of perspectives and a combination of academic and practical knowledge in the field.
Thank you! These Alumni are:

From left to right, top to bottom:
Jennifer Clapp (2013 Fellow)
Elaine Feldman (2016 Mentor)
Evan Fraser (2014 Fellow)
Jean Lebel (2016 Mentor)
Alain-Désiré Nimubona (2004 Scholar)
Poonam Puri (2016 Fellow)
Pierre-Hugues Verdier (2006 Scholar).
Following these working meetings, the Foundation's team further developed the lines of research and debate highlighted by researchers in the field. It became clear through discussions with alumni that the topic of global economies is broad and interdisciplinary in today's rapidly changing and increasingly interconnected world. Nonetheless, all alumni we contacted came to the same conclusion: rising social inequality is one of the most important issues related to global economies today.
The Foundation would especially like to thank the Members and Directors that served on the Foundation’s Strategic Advisory Committee in 2021: Thomas Axworthy (Chair), Dyane Adam, John English, Marc Renaud, Sean Riley, Alexandre Trudeau, Jennifer Welsh, and Sanni Yaya.
Another Great Cohort is on the Way for 2022!
We are delighted to announce that we have received close to 500 applications for the Foundation's Scholarship and Leadership Program. Our team and the Application and Nomination Review Committee (ANRC) will have some great applications to look forward to!
In summary, close to 500 applications were submitted:
- representing 100 universities: 45 Canadian universities and 55 international universities;
- with applicants from 22 countries and all continents;
- with over 70 Canadian applicants studying abroad
We are delighted with the diversity and quality of the applicants and the applications received.
Important upcoming dates to remember:
- February 22 to 25: Group interviews with semi-finalists
- March 7: Invitation to finalists for individual interviews with members of the ANRC
- March 22 to 24: Final interviews with members of the ANRC
- May: Official announcement of the 2022 Scholars
Stay Tuned for a Year Full of Activities!
In 2022, we will be celebrating the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation’s 20th anniversary. The commemoration will provide an opportunity to look back at everything achieved so far, thanks to the hundreds of people who have believed in and championed our mission, and yet, it will undoubtedly have a decisive impact on our future too as we have to remember where we have come from to understand where we are going.
The future will be shaped by responsible citizenship and the public intellectuals who seek opportunities for dialogue with communities both inside and outside the halls of academia—those who are open to views and perspectives different from their own, who welcome risk and have the humility to question themselves, who dare look past their own fields to share and co-create. Those who want to understand existing systems, processes, cultures and globalization, and who are convinced that knowledge mobilization comes with a great responsibility: knowledge sharing.
The Foundation is committed to enriching the engaged leadership program, by addressing the major issues of our time through the lens of Scientific Cycles that have a significant impact on our communities and the society in which we live. We are also committed to broadening our horizons and stepping outside our comfort zone so that we can offer our Scholars and the members of the Foundation’s community a diverse range of content, perspectives and experiences that will continue to deepen their intellectual and professional journeys.
Here are some upcoming events:
- The announcement of the 2022 cohort of Scholars, Fellows and Mentors this spring!
- Our next Institute of Engaged Leadership on Language, Culture and Identity in Moncton, NB with the 2021 Scholars, Fellows and Mentors.
- This spring, the launch of two Brave Spaces: The Podcast series on two of the Foundation's six key leadership concepts: Diversity, hosted by the Co-President of the Advisory Committee on Diversity, Margarida Garcia, 2004 Scholar, and Communication and Knowledge-Sharing, co-hosted by 2003 Scholars and Co-Presidents of the Alumni Executive Committee, Sophie Thériault and Robert Leckey!
- A Public Engagement Project event facilitated by Bob Haverluck, 2020 Mentor, this spring in Winnipeg, entitled "Art, Activism and Advocacy: Joint Operations for Healing the Earth".
And much more! Stay tuned!
News from the Community
📢 In case you missed it, you can read :
The President's Message – January 2022 edition, announcing the launch of our 2020-2021 Annual Report!
More Knowledge Sharing from the Community
Our 2019 Scholar, Carlo Charles co-wrote the play “Kap O Mond” which premiered in Paris in January 2022 at the Théâtre L’Échangeur! written in collaboration with Alice Carré, "Kap O Mond!" is a play that addresses contemporary Haitian migration issues in France and French humanitarianism in Haiti. You can read more about it here (site available in French only).

© Philippe Delacroix
Our 2020 Scholar, Rémy-Paulin Twahirwa, wrote an article, « Au sortir de la matrice crépusculaire » which appears in Revue Liberté, and which explores how the history of population control in the British Empire helps us understand the contemporary treatment of "migrants".
Our 2013 Fellow, Tim Caulfield wrote an opinion piece on how “Correcting COVID misinformation does not equate to cancel culture”, featured in the Globe & Mail on January 13, 2022.
On « The Conversation » website, 2021 Fellow, François Larocque wrote an article entitled : « L’Ontario modernise sa Loi sur les services en français : est-ce suffisant pour l'épanouissement de la minorité ? »
Recent Book Launches

Under the direction of our 2021 Fellow, Stéphanie Chouinard, the book “Sur les traces de la démocratie: réflexions autour de l’oeuvre de Joseph Yvon Thériault” reflects on key works from our 2007 Fellow, Joseph Yvon Thériault.
Prizes and Nominations
Congratulations to 2011 Mentor, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, for being named to the Order of Canada in recognition of her "ongoing commitment to improving the child welfare system and supports for Indigenous people in British Columbia."
The Foundation would like to congratulate our 2006 Mentor, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, 2012 Mentor, Cindy Blackstock, and 2014 Mentor, her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, for being recognized as a 2022 Top 25 Women of Influence!
In Memoriam
We regret to inform you of the passing of three great Canadians and members of the community of the Foundation:

From left to right:
Edward Roberts, 2010 Mentor. He was actively invested in social issues throughout his career and was considered a leading figure of Newfoundland and Labrador from which he was Lieutenant Governor.
Guy Saint-Pierre, 2010 Mentor. Throughout his career, he made the link between the business sector and the world of politics. He had been the Minister of Education and the Minister of Industry and Commerce of Quebec, as well as the president and chief director of SNC-Lavalin.
Donald Johnston, 2006 Mentor. Upon taking office as secretary-general of the OECD, Donald Johnston moved from a career as a lawyer and a politician who had spent ten years in the Canadian Parliament and had served as a Cabinet minister in a number of senior portfolios. Elected president of the Liberal Party of Canada, he also taught fiscal law at McGill University.
Our sincerest condolences to their family and friends.
Contact Us!
Have you moved? Are you in a new job? Does your photo and biography need to be updated?
In a continuing effort to ensure the Foundation has accurate, up-to-date contact information for all active and alumni members of the community, please get in touch with us to update your contact information, photo and/or biography. Rest assured the Foundation takes your privacy to heart. Information you provide will be solely for internal use by the Foundation.
Are you a Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholar, Fellow, Mentor, or member of the Alumni community with a publication or news to share?
We want to hear from you!
Your Support
The Foundation is on a bold path to create new opportunities for learning, knowledge-sharing, and community building; meanwhile, the heart of the Foundation’s mission remains the same: providing Scholars with the tools and support to promote their research and become Engaged Leaders in inclusive public debates that shape our collective future.