Passing on Knowledge and Supporting Tomorrow’s Leaders: Meet our Extraordinary 2022 Fellows and Mentors.
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is proud to announce the identities of the 2022 Fellows and Mentors who will walk alongside the 13 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholars of this new 2022-2025 Cohort.
Introducing our 2022 Fellows
After a thorough, multi-tiered process, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation selected 4 remarkable intellectuals based on their record of excellence in research, their leadership as public educators, their strong teaching and academic mentoring skills, and the relevance of their work, knowledge, and experiences to the theme of our 2022-2025 Scientific Cycle, Global Economies.
As exceptional teachers and outstanding leaders, they will help Scholars expand their horizons and support them in developing a unique engagement with issues and ideas that are outside their doctoral training.
As leading researchers in their fields, our 2022 Fellows will offer intellectual guidance to our Scholars as they embark on an extraordinary leadership journey.
Meet our 2022 Mentors
The Foundation is proud to have also selected six inspiring and extraordinary leaders based on their remarkable accomplishments in various professional domains and sectors – private, public, parapublic, and non-profit.
Our 2022 Mentors support the leadership development of Scholars as they embark on a three-year journey rooted in the Foundation’s leadership curriculum, Building Brave Spaces: The Path to Engaged Leadership, based on the Foundation’s six key leadership concepts – Audacity and resilience, Diversity, Collaboration, Communication & Sharing Knowledge, Creativity & Innovation and Duty of Service – tailored to nurturing public intellectuals.
Along with the Fellows, Mentors will introduce Scholars to contexts that feature a plurality of perspectives, realities, and knowledges, and will teach them to translate their research into action and to become leaders of self, others, and systems through unique expertise invaluable to future Engaged Leaders – in communication and public engagement, team and project management, financial and entrepreneurial skills, social innovation, negotiation, networking, creative and design thinking, and resilience in the face of adversity.
Together, Fellows and Mentors will also contribute to the Foundation’s Brave Spaces, which privilege robust debate and the celebration of differences, critical to a meaningful engagement with communities across the country and to building progress around a plurality of perspectives. Recognizing that these can be challenging and sometimes uncomfortable discussions, they are supported by a safety net of mutual respect, strong policy, and the Foundation’s Code of Community Engagement.
The Foundation’s mission is to support the development of our Scholars as committed, bold and forward-thinking leaders, capable of meeting the challenges of their time with meaningful impact in their institutions and communities.
As part of the fellowship and mentorship program, Scholars are matched to a Fellow and Mentor each and every year of the program to gain exposure to different perspectives, personalities and leadership experiences.
Without further ado, we present to you the four brilliant 2022 Fellows and the six remarkable 2022 Mentors of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. We invite you to discover them in more detail by clicking on each of their names below.
Fellows 2022
Fulbright Canada – Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation 2022 Fellow
We are pleased to welcome Virginia Ann Haufler who, along with her colleagues, will accompany the 2022 Schlars on their journey towards engaged leadership.