Peter L. Biro Presents New Framework on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Peter L. Biro, Founder and President of the democracy think-tank Section 1, and Senior Fellow at Massey College, unveiled his comprehensive framework document for the 2024-2027 Scientific Cycle on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the 2024 cohort at the Maison des Étudiants Canadiens (MEC). Accompanied by 2024 Fellows Stefanie von Hlatky and Hoi Kong during the 2024 cohort’s introductory community retreat, Biro’s presentation marks a significant milestone in the ongoing exploration of the Charter’s impact and evolution.

2024 - 2027: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: A New Constitutional Order for Canada and Model for the World

One of the key centrepieces of Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s legacy is the introduction of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982. Using the vantage point of forty years since its introduction, the Scientific Cycle seeks to capture the wisdom, knowledge, and lived experiences stemming from this seminal document which has directed the course of law and the determination of rights in Canada for two generations.

At the same time, the Charter is a living document which serves as the legal benchmark in an ever-evolving society. Through this lens, the Scientific Cycle will seek to explore how the Charter’s foundational role is adapting to changing times. Key questions include:

  • How does it protect rights in a new century in the face of new and emerging challenges both individually and collectively?
  • How does it protect Indigenous rights?
  • What has been the impact of the Charter beyond Canada’s borders?
  • How may it influence the defence and development of rights abroad in the 21st century?

Biro’s framework aims to provide a robust analysis and foster discussions on these critical issues, ensuring that the Charter continues to serve as a beacon of rights and freedoms both within Canada and globally. The presentation at MEC is just the beginning of what promises to be an enlightening and impactful series of discussions and studies over the next three years.