Learning and Integration Collection from the 2021 Fellows and Mentors on Language, Culture and Identity
Language and languages are at the heart of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation’s 2021–2024scientific cycle. We will pay particular attention in this cycle to the close links that can be made between language, culture and identity as we explore, in an interdisciplinary, and at times intersectional manner, issues and debates on this theme. As such, this theme challenges Scholars to address important questions at the intersection of language, culture and identity.
This includes profound questions about how modern society can better accommodate linguistic pluralism and identity politics associated with it. This subject also invites the question of whether other countries, which are also trying to recognize the importance of linguistic pluralism and its place in increasingly multicultural contexts, may learn from the language policy frameworks of countries such as Canada, South Africa or Spain.
The contemporary multidisciplinary issues related to language and languages are numerous. First, there is the need to preserve linguistic diversity. In Canada, we also encounter issues such as bilingualism, multilingualism and everything that is found in the spaces and interstices of what are called official languages.
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation sincerely hopes that this compendium of learning and integration of the Language, Culture & Identity scientific cycle, brilliantly informed by the individual but complementary views of Fellows and Mentors of the 2021 cohort, will allow our Scholars, to deepen and broaden their reflection, and possibly their future research.
We invite you to discover this collection, available here. Compendium on Language, Culture and Identity
We would like to express our gratitude to our Fellows Stéphanie Chouinard, François Larocque, Lorna Wanost’s A7 Williams, Robert Blair and our Mentors, Karine Asselin, Julius Grey, Emmanuel Kattan, the Honourable Aldéa Landry, Azola Zuma Mayekiso and Gabrielle Scrimshaw Sagalov.