Displaying results 331 - 340 of 1059
Martha Paynter

Martha Paynter: teaching abortion care

2019 Scholar Martha Paynter has co-written an article in the Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse entitled Nurses are Key Members of the Abortion Care Team: Why aren't Schools of Nursing Teaching Abortion Care?

The authors argue that in order to destigmatize abortion and improve access, undergraduate nursing and nurse practitioner programs across the country must begin to include abortion and family planning competencies.

Martha Paynter is a registered nurse, activist, and researcher. She is a staff nurse at the IWK Health Centre Family Newborn Care Unit and a PhD Candidate in Nursing at Dalhousie University.

Call for nominations - 2024 Fellow or Mentor

2024-2027 scholar competition closed

The 2024-2027 Cohort: Launch of The Scholarship Competition is Now Closed


An Odyssey of Ideas: A fascinating Institute of Engaged Leadership in Vancouver!


2022-2023 Annual Report

In 2023, the Foundation returned to a complete schedule of in-person events allowing our experiential programs to return to their full potential. Learn more in our 2022-2023 Annual Report.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation logo in a white background

Statement From The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation

2024 ANRC

Application and Nomination Review Committee (ANRC) 2024

Application and Nomination Review Committee (ANRC) 2024
Black History Month Vignette 2024 ENG

Reflections on Black History Month by Professor Rashid Sumaila

As February draws to a close, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation embraces an essential month honouring collective memory; an entire month to celebrate true history, that which is written but also unwritten. A month that is unique, multilayered, and textured with the richness of experience of the African diaspora. Throughout history, Black individuals have shaped culture, science, politics, and the arts, leaving an indelible mark on our world.

As we close this year’s Black History Month, we pay tribute to the remarkable contributions of Black community members of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. In this publication, we would like to share an inspiring quote from one of our newest members, reflecting their perspectives on Black history, identity, and progress, Dr. Rashid Sumaila (2023 Fellow).
Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation logo in a white background

Message to the community from the Board of Directors

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is pleased to announce that it has designated a new interim President and CEO, as well as six outstanding Canadians to serve on the Foundation’s Board of Directors under a new chair, following the well-earned retirement of its most recent chair.