Displaying results 401 - 410 of 1059
Jayne Malenfant Cover

Jayne Malenfant in McGill News: The barriers to education for homeless youth

Jayne Malenfant, scholar 2018 of the Foundation, recently gave an interview about her work and her journey to the McGill News magazine. She explains how her doctoral research topic, namely the barriers to education for young people in precarious housing situations, is informed by her own experience of precarious housing during her adolescence. Having first hand knowledge of the school system's shortcomings in dealing with students in such circumstances, Jayne aims to improve this situation through her research so that everyone has access to education.

Learn more about Jayne's unusual journey and her work by reading the [**McGill News article**](http://mcgillnews.mcgill.ca/s/1762/news/interior.aspx?sid=1762&gid=2&pgid=1975).
Sophie de Saussure Cover

Parents in prison: A public policy blind spot according to Sophie de Saussure

As the Canadian government continues to work on Bill C-75 on the reform of the penal system, Sophie de Saussure, a 2017 Trudeau scholar, is examining the social effects of a parent’s incarceration on children, in an article published on July 12, 2018 in Policy Options.
In Canada, tens of thousands of children are living apart from a parent who is behind bars. In addition to the stigma, which often keeps them silent and ashamed, these children can face significant social, psychological, emotional and financial difficulties. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child's 2011 recommendation emphasizes the need to promote alternatives to detention for those with a dependent child, yet these children are invisible in Canada, both on the political stage and in the media. Worse still, they are also neglected by social policy.
With three avenues for reflection, Sophie de Saussure hopes to get the government to include into its reform the question of the children of offenders, and to develop a public policy in support of them.
Ayesha Chaudhry, Malinda S Smith

Ayesha S. Chaudhry and Malinda S. Smith: The Extra Load that Professors of Colour Have to Bear

In Canadian universities, black, Indigenous, and other non-white students increasingly turn for support to faculty members of colour. These professors’ disproportionate – and unpaid – emotional labour often weighs on their prospects for promotion and tenure. In an article published on 3 June 2018 in The Globe and Mail, 2018 Foundation fellow Ayesha S. Chaudhry argued that recognizing racism as a fact would be a first step to improve university culture and the experiences of non-white faculty on the job. 2018 Foundation fellow Malinda S. Smith echoed Chaudhry’s remarks, emphasizing that non-white professors’ emotional labour also “tends to be highly gendered.” “The skills that go into performing this kind of work are undervalued,” she asserted, “in part because they’re invisible and ignored.” Chaudhry and Smith concluded that universities need to acknowledge the extra load that negatively impacts the career trajectories of non-white faculty – and of non-white women particularly.
Read the full article here.
Responsible Citizenship

Marie Wilson’s Big Thinking Lecture Now Available Online

On 28 May 2018 in Regina, 2016 Foundation mentor Marie Wilson reflected on diversity and reconciliation in Canada in light of her experience as a commissioner of Canada’s historic Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Sponsored by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, Wilson’s Big Thinking lecture at the 2018 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences is now available online. Watch the video here.
Billy Ray Belcourt Cover

Billy-Ray Belcourt: The Terrible Beauty of the Reserve

“Everyone’s uncle thinks that they are the world’s most handsome NDN, and no one says otherwise.” With “The Terrible Beauty of the Reserve,” a poem published on 7 June 2018 in The Walrus, 2018 Foundation scholar Billy-Ray Belcourt critically evokes the reservization, intimacy, and violence of Indigenous bodies and lives in Canada. Billy-Ray’s debut collection of poems, This Wound is a World, was published in September 2017 and won the prestigious Griffin poetry prize. Read “The Terrible Beauty of the Reserve” here.
2019: Power & technology

Robert Leckey: Fifteen years after equal marriage

On 10 June 2003, the Ontario Court of Appeal made history by allowing Canada’s first same-sex marriages. In an opinion piece published on 12 June 2018 in The Globe and Mail, 2003 Foundation scholar and dean of the McGill University Faculty of Law Robert Leckey celebrated the past 15 years’ successes and assessed the remaining challenges. “Equal marriage did not solve all legal issues for our LGBTQ communities,” Leckey emphasized, pointing to the legal vulnerability of LGBTQ families, the unabated violence and discrimination against transgender people, and the criminalization of HIV exposure. As the past 15 years’ gains are “neither universal nor immune from reversal,” Leckey recommended Canadians “remain vigilant and keep solidarity with those whose rights and security are less assured.”
Read the article here.
Aimée Morrison and Pascale Fournier

A Word from the Incoming President

Pascale Fournier presents her vision for the next five years at the Foundation.

Montréal, 28 May 2018
Dear amazing members and ambassadors of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation around the world:
I have been profoundly touched and overwhelmed by the many words of encouragement and congratulations that I have received since 18 April, when my appointment as president and chief executive officer of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation was announced. Thank you for your expressions of confidence, which reflect your deep affection for a Foundation that helps make the world a better place. I am honoured to have been chosen to share my enthusiasm for leadership and excellence in the social sciences and humanities in Canada, and more honoured still to do so as part of such a dedicated community.
The mission that I will undertake is dear to my heart, not only because I enjoyed the Foundation’s generous support during my doctoral studies, but also because I am convinced that the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation plays a key role in promoting public intellectual leaders who can think and speak across disciplines while remaining rooted in everyday dilemmas for real citizens. For that reason, I intend to devote my presidency to cultivating an inclusive conception of excellence, enriched by our commitment to diversity, and developing a leadership curriculum that will deeply engage our extraordinary network of scholars, fellows and mentors. As a proud alumna of the Foundation’s inaugural cohort (Harvard Law School; 2003 scholar), I can beautifully relate to your transformative experiences and inspirational stories. I am here for you and because of you.
As I prepare to assume my duties as the Foundation’s president and CEO, I commit to undertaking extensive public consultations throughout Canada to listen to our community and communities, re-examine our current practices, and think collectively about our vision for the future. After 15 fabulous years of existence, it is important for the Foundation to take the pulse of the institutional and civil-society stakeholders who are active within and around our organization—to lend them an ear and engage them in dialogue, seeking a diversity of perspectives, examining our blind spots, and demonstrating openness and authenticity. Starting in the fall of 2018, we will launch a series of meetings across Canada, including in Montréal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Yellowknife, Vancouver, Victoria, Whitehorse, Regina, Winnipeg, Halifax, Moncton, Charlottetown, and St. John’s. At each gathering, we will reach out to current and former scholars, fellows, and mentors, institutional members, donors, employees, academic and community organizations, environmental interest groups, human rights organizations, research institutes, and general educational institutions. I enthusiastically invite you to participate in these consultations, which will focus on two interdependent sets of questions:
In its traditional understanding of excellence, has Canadian society intentionally or inadvertently excluded certain forms of knowledge while preferring others? How have power inequalities between various groups (Indigenous versus non-Indigenous people, men versus women, anglophones versus francophones, heterosexuals versus LGBTQ2 people, white citizens versus racialized citizens, etc.) played out in the production and application of knowledge? What is inclusive excellence and how can we reform our institutions to help us live together more harmoniously?
What is a public intellectual leader and what are the essential characteristics of change agents working in the world of ideas? What approaches should our scholars display and what projects should they undertake to fulfil their mandates as public intellectuals? By what means should public intellectual leaders genuinely cultivate and encourage inclusive excellence, and what is the role of the Foundation in this context?
Following these consultations, the Foundation will develop a strategic plan that reflects its priorities and objectives and identifies the steps to achieve them. In closing, allow me to say how much I look forward to officially starting my mandate on July 9 as part of a dynamic and devoted team that has always set the bar high. I am extremely honoured by the confidence that the Board has placed in me. I also wish to thank Morris Rosenberg for the dedication he brought to the Foundation over the last four years and for making my transition smooth and highly rewarding. I am humbled by the idea of working with you, dear ambassadors, on a process that will allow us to pursue the mission of excellence that the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation stands for so brilliantly, and I thank you again for your devotion to the Foundation’s work.

Pascale Fournier, Ad.E.
Responsible Citizenship

Julia Christensen, Christopher Cox, and Lisa Szabo-Jones Publish Book on Storytelling, Knowledge-Sharing, and Relationship

How does telling a story affect the way we understand, share, and create knowledge? With their new book, “Activating the Heart: Storytelling, Knowledge Sharing and Relationship” (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, June 2018) 2008 Foundation scholar Julia Christensen, 2009 Foundation scholar Christopher Cox, and 2009 Foundation scholar Lisa Szabo-Jones weave an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural dialogue on the significance of narrative and story – most saliently in Indigenous knowledge frameworks. Through theoretical, empirical, and literary work, the authors demonstrate how storytelling is a tool for knowledge production and sharing to build new connections between people and their histories, environments, and cultural geographies.
This book is the result of a Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation-funded workshop held in 2012 in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Order the book here.
hero 4 themes

The Foundation’s Future: About To Find Out

2 May 2018

2018 will be a transition year at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. A new president will take the reins; new staff will arrive; the organization will undergo a five-year review. I asked a few thoughtful members of the Foundation what they see as the priorities for this period in the Foundation’s evolution.
Clarify our values. For Sarah Kamal, 2007 scholar and scholarship program officer at the Foundation from October 2017 to April 2018, this is a time for reflection. Speaking from her unique perspective as a former scholar and former staff, Sarah advocates a period of regrouping to redefine the Foundation’s fundamental values.
“I’d like to see a professionally facilitated reflection, drawing on as many people as want to join,” Sarah said. “Fifteen years after the Foundation’s first cohort of scholars, I’d like us to get clear again on what we’re doing and why. Where do we want to go? What do we want to accomplish? Does it make sense to run a futures project – an exercise to imagine how the Foundation should be positioned if Idle No More were to resurge, if the country elected a highly divisive and unpredictable leader? The time to redefine ourselves is now.”
Reconnect with our community. Aaron Mills, 2015 scholar, resonated with Sarah’s recommendation of a visioning exercise. “I sense a growing disconnect between the more recent cohorts of scholars and fellows, on one hand, and the Foundation’s sense of itself as an institution, on the other. The disconnect relates to how the Foundation seeks to take smart people’s contributions out of the academy and into public life. It strikes me that a growing proportion of our community think it important to challenge power in different sites: not just in classic liberal state institutions and international governance mechanisms, but just as importantly, in less formal sites, too. In other words, they think that change happens in a multiplicity of ways, not only in a firmly entrenched institutional one.”
What does this have to do with a visioning exercise? “It’s my feeling that if the Foundation were willing to engage in this inquiry – to truly open itself to exploring different ways that power works, for example in our events – it would really get our community excited,” explained Aaron. “That kind of cutting-edge self-questioning would be received as a real strength. And it would help redefine us at what I think is an important turning point.”
Lead, not follow. 2016 mentor Marie Wilson’s first thoughts were for the Foundation’s position on Indigenous issues. “In 2014, the Foundation made an important pivot towards promoting reconciliation,” she noted. “It’s crucial that we not become a lagger. Reconciliation has to be a priority, not just for organizations like the Foundation, but for the Foundation’s partners as well – universities, other organizations.”
“One of the ways we can do this, is to make sure that each of the Foundation’s cohorts is diverse. I have been struck by how much scholars value their cohort: they treasure what they learn across disciplines and cultures, just within that 15-person group of peers. We know that networks are critical to influencing public policy. So it’s important that each of the Foundation’s cohorts be as diverse and as representative of Canada as we can make them.”
Marie also recommended more leadership on skills training. “I was surprised by the number of scholars who are nervous dealing with the media,” she remarked. “The Foundation has dealt with this as optional training, but it’s actually an essential skill. We should make it a core component of the Foundation’s activities over a scholar’s life-course.”
Prioritize inclusive excellence. I also met with Mélanie Millette, alumna scholar and president of the Foundation’s alumni society, and Adelle Blackett, 2016 fellow. They echoed Marie Wilson’s words on the importance of diversity. “Contributing to public policy, helping to define Canada’s place in the world – Foundation members can best fulfill these aspects of the Foundation’s mission if they evolve in a microcosm that reflects Canada’s diversity,” said Adelle. “We should question our selection criteria continually, to foster inclusive excellence. Do we often reproduce the same profiles, or do we allow ourselves to be surprised?” Melanie, who is a director on the Foundation’s Board, advocated for greater diversity at the governance level as well. “Gender parity among directors is a Board priority,” she noted. “But I’d like to see other kinds of diversity too: political diversity, language, Indigenous people, visible minorities – let’s get closer to the Canada of today.”
What would greater diversity mean for the Foundation’s visibility? Melanie suspects it would make the Foundation better known in different communities. But public visibility is a lesser concern. “I’m less worried about scholars and fellows identifying themselves in the media as Foundation members than I am about our effecting social change. Our priority should be on enabling Foundation members to improve social conditions – not just by influencing public policy, but through education and community work, too. That’s why I have been glad to see the Foundation interacting more deeply with local communities during the summer institutes. Slowly, we are building a legacy that will flourish in the months and years to come.”
Champion deep thinking. As a fellow, Adelle sees the Foundation’s legacy flourishing in a different area. “It’s easy to overlook the impact of the Foundation’s fellowships,” she said. “But when the Foundation awards a fellowship, it supports an entire microcosm: the field of the fellow’s research, the students that support that research, the organizations and networks with which the fellow interacts. That kind of validation can change the arc of an entire field. It also influences the fellow’s colleagues and the university administration.”
Reflecting further, Adelle came back to Sarah’s suggestions. “This is a crucial moment in history for those of us who value democratic institutions. Perhaps it’s time for the Foundation to step back and ask how, in a nonpartisan organization like ours, we foster deep thinking and engagement on the relationship between participatory democracy, equality, and social justice.” Melanie agreed. “Now more than ever, the Foundation needs to look for ways to put democracy on a sounder and more stable foundation. What do we need to rekindle citizens’ belief in the potential of democracy? Maybe we should look less to the law, and more at questions of emotions and influence. Perhaps we need to appoint more philosophers and sociologists. Those kinds of questions could be transformative.”
What now? Transformation, deep questioning, inclusive excellence – two days before this article went to press, I asked the Foundation’s incoming president and chief executive officer for her reaction to these suggestions. Pascale Fournier’s appointment had been announced the week before.
“I am tremendously excited to see these innovative suggestions,” Pascale told me. “My vision of the Foundation is one of public intellectual leadership and I want to insist on the special role that it can play in actively leading and developing future intellectual leaders. As Sarah said, the Foundation has reached its 15th year: the time is ripe to ask who we are and where we are going. What makes us unique and how can we do better? Where can we add real value? What does it mean to be a true leader?”
“That’s why my first priority upon assuming office on July 30th will be to reach out to our many stakeholders—current and past scholars, fellows, and mentors; universities; members, employees, and directors; donors; and others—to develop a five-year strategic plan,” Pascale continued. “I envision an intensive consultation with individuals and focus groups from coast to coast to coast to discuss our vision, identify our needs, and outline our objectives and our expectations.”
Here is where Pascale came to Marie’s, Adelle’s, and Melanie’s points about diversity. “It’s easy to surround yourself with people who look like you. But we grow most when we are in uncomfortable positions, when we have no choice but to stretch our boundaries. We could learn a lot by penetrating the structures of people who differ from us, for example. If we want to develop deep leadership, we are going to have to talk about power relations. And that will mean opening ourselves to new ways of knowing, new ways of evaluating excellence. It will mean diversity at a much deeper and more challenging level.”
“This is a unique moment in Canada’s history,” Pascale remarked. “The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada calls on us to rethink our structures, our relation to the earth, our relation to other humans — our very assumptions about knowledge and truth. Like Aaron said, let’s open ourselves to exploring different ways that power works. On a concrete level, this might mean asking ourselves what it means to compare the publication lists of scholarship applicants whose community engagement varies wildly, or how we define engaged scholarship among potential fellows. This will come clear as we ask fundamental questions. For now, the essential thing is that we use a bottom-up approach, listen really carefully, and establish clear objectives that reflect who we are.”
Pascale is right, of course: there is a time in the life of any person or organization when pausing to ask fundamental questions is the wisest course of action. These Foundation members seem to agree that asking such questions from an ever more representative community could give us greater momentum and enhance the Foundation’s transformative potential in Canadian society – not only in academia, but beyond. It looks like we might soon find out.
Empty Hospital Beds

International Conference on End of Life Law

Last September in Halifax, scholars Samuel Blouin, Benjamin Gagnon Chainey, and Caroline Lieffers attended the International Conference on End of Life Law, Ethics, Policy, and Practice co-organized by 2015 fellow Jocelyne Downie as part of her Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation fellowship project. Here, the scholars share their highlights of an event that spanned such disciplines as law, medicine, nursing, philosophy, and bioethics, and was attended by practitioners, academics, NGOs, regulators, and policymakers.