
Episode #6 - Dialogue with others: Expanding tools for effective communication


Episode #11 - Collaboration: Developing a clear leadership vision, orienting toward new possibilities

Diversity: Fostering meaningful plurality of perspectives / Diversité : Favoriser une pluralité de perspectives significative

Diversity: Fostering meaningful plurality of perspectives

Diversity: Reconciliation, profound conversations and social innovation/ Diversité : Réconciliation, conversations profondes et innovation sociale

Diversity: Reconciliation, profound conversations and social innovation

 Diversity: From the medical consultation to the pharmacy / Diversité : de la consultation médicale à la pharmacie

Diversity: From the medical consultation to the pharmacy

Diversity : How lack of representation is harming the arts and cultural sector / Comment le manque de représentation nuit au secteur artistique et culturel

Diversity : How lack of representation is harming the arts and cultural sector

Diversity : Multilinguism, identity and the reality of women doctoral students / Diversité : le multilinguisme, l’identité et la réalité des femmes doctorantes

Diversity : Multilinguism, identity and the reality of women doctoral students

Diversity: Personal behaviors, thinking & culture affecting collective attitudes and actions / Diversité : L’influence des comportements, croyances et cultures personnelles sur les postures et actions collectives

Diversity: Personal behaviors, thinking & culture affecting collective attitudes and actions

 Paradigms related to deaf and hearing-impaired people / Diversité : les paradigmes liés aux personnes sourdes et malentendantes

Paradigms related to deaf and hearing-impaired people

Diversity: Research innovation for the effective inclusion of marginalized people / Diversité : l’innovation en recherche pour l’inclusion effective des personnes marginalisées

Diversity: Research innovation for the effective inclusion of marginalized people