Displaying results 261 - 270 of 1056
fellow en

Language, Culture and Identity: Spotlight on the 2021 Fellows

In the course of the Foundation’s three-year Scientific Cycle Language, Culture and Identity, 2021 Fellows will contribute their unique experience and outlook to develop a leadership curriculum that fosters conversations and debates on critical issues that face the next generation of Canadian leaders and public intellectuals.  

William G. Davis:  A Legacy of Dialogue  

On behalf of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, our Board of Directors, and our Members, we wish to acknowledge our gratitude to the Honourable William G. Davis.
Kowan O’Keefe at COP26

Reflections on COP26 – by Kowan O’Keefe

Last week, I had the privilege of attending COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Unfortunately, the pandemic made COP26 feel very different from previous COPs I have attended.
libe sophie thumbnail

Spaces of Affect and Change: Reflections from the Editors

To talk about joy at a time of crisis, when the COVID pandemic and climate change continue to wreak havoc, may seem like an escapist or frivolous turn away from the trouble.
Global heroes

Our 2021 Scholars, Emerging Global Heroes on the Path to Engaged Leadership

Congratulations to the 2021 Scholars of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation who were featured in the December edition of Global Heroes Magazine!

An autumn at high speed!

Here we are already with our last newsletter for this year of great achievements. The past few months have flown by so quickly that we have barely had time to stop and share these achievements with you. Our program, events, communications, special projects, outreach, and philanthropy teams have been busy with contagious enthusiasm and creativity!
Newsletter - Infolettre

Newsletter - February 2022

The challenging year we have just come through and the pandemic that persists across the world for close to two years now have once again driven home the importance of learning how to live together and finding solutions to society’s major challenges.